Thursday, February 14, 2019

ACC Last Stave

We had read the final stave, stave five. In stave five, Scrooge had been finished with being visited by all of the spirits. He was finally done with all the visits and he was very jovial. He was celebrating all around the room and making sure he was not crazy. He started to look out the window that he had seen spirits in and he was looking around. The room he was in was his room. Scrooge then stuck his head out his window to ask a boy that was walking by what day it was. When the boy replied that it was Christmas Day, Scrooge was very jovial. He knew that it was not too late. He told the boy to buy him the priced turkey at the butcher shop and to tell the deliverer to deliver it to the Cratchit Family House. He then found one of the portly gentlemen and decided to donate a large sum to the charity since he did not donate before. Next, Scrooge goes to Fred house. Earlier, Fred had invited Scrooge to a dinner party. Scrooge came to Fred's home and joined their party. He had a great time, finally getting close to family. Finally, the next day, he gave Bob a raise in salary. He played it off like he was being his old self, but finally gave Bob a raise. Now Bob is happier at work. Scrooge also helped Tiny Tim with medications and now Scrooge become a fatherly role to Tim.

In the final stave, Scrooge finally starts to change. After all the visits of the spirits, he was affected by all of the strong emotions of the spirits. In my opinion, buying a turkey for the whole Cratchit family is very nice. I think that he's finally going to live a happier life. It's going to be full of joy and family. Before, he did not want anything to do with family or friends. He tried avoiding connections with other people. Now, he is actually making an effort to try to put the things he did in the past. He is putting effort in trying to get closer with his only family Fred, and he's trying to get close friends. In my opinion, I think that people will actually show up to his funeral now, unlike before as we saw with the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. Especially the Cratchit Family, since now he is doing a lot for them. He's also now a fatherly role to Tiny Tim and probably will continue to care and provide for him.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

ACC Last Stave

     In the last stave, Scrooge wakes up and he promises to keep the Christmas Spirit all year long. Scrooge is happy as an angel and is happy that everything in his house is his. Scrooge will live in the Past, Present, and Future. Scrooge remembers where Jacob Marley entered his house and remembers where the Ghost of Christmas Present sat. Scrooge could remember the date, so he asks a boy what the date is and he says it is Christmas Day. Scrooge gives the boy money, so he could go get the prize turkey. Once the boy gets back, he gives the boy money and gets a cab to take the turkey to Bob's house. Scrooge gets dressed and he starts walking down the streets saying Merry Christmas and smiling at people. He sees the portly gentlemen again and donates a lot of money to the poor because Scrooge should have been giving money to the poor for years, so he is giving a large amount of money to make up for that. Scrooge goes to Fred's house and knocks on Fred's door. Scrooge goes to Fred's dinner and has a great time. The next day, Scrooge waits for Bob and is hoping he will be late. Bob is late and once Bob comes into work, Scrooge starts yelling at him, but after Scrooge does that, he raises Bob's salary. Bob thinks that Scrooge is insane because Scrooge wouldn't do something like this and Scrooge yelled at him before raising his salary. Scrooge says Merry Christmas to Bob and Bob is able to support his family. Scrooge becomes a second father to Tiny Tim and Tiny Tim is alive. Tiny Tim is older at the end of the stave and Scrooge and Tiny Tim have a good relationship.
       I liked this last stave and Scrooge is starting to overcome his avarice. He is will to donate to the poor and is willing to pay his employees more. He is making good relationships with his friends and family. Scrooge is much happier and is not miserable anymore. Scrooge is hanging out more with Fred and the Cratchits. Scrooge changed and he helped Tiny Tim. Scrooge can affect other people by the way he acts and by changing, he is making people feel happier. This book has taught me a lot of lessons and it is sad to see this book go. This book could help people many ways and teach them to be happy and not miserable.

Final Thoughts

We have finished reading A Christmas Carol. In the last stave we got to see how Scrooge fulfilled his promise to the spirit of Christmas yet to come. Right when Scrooge wakes you he yells out merry Christmas to everyone and dances around because he is filled with so much joy. Scrooge does other things like give the Cratchit's a large turkey for Christmas and he gives Bob a rase. Scrooge also gives a large amount of money to make up for all of the times he should of given money and goes to Fred’s party so he can have a better relationship with him. The main thing that Scrooge does is saving Tiny Tim.
Scrooge does this by paying for medical bill and acting as a second father for Tiny Tim. Now that we are done with the book overall I think this is one of the first books that I have liked the movie or play more than the book. I have seen the movie of this book many times almost every Christmas. Although the movies show the same thing as the book I felt like I could understand the movie better than the book. I found myself getting easily bored while reading the book because I already knew what would happen.
Also without prior background knowledge and understanding the vernacular it was hard to understand. In the movies or plays you can just see what Dickens was trying to say. I still liked the book and I’m glad I read it because it gave me a new way to look at this story. Now I when I go back to watch the movie version of this book I will have a better understanding of the plot. I can also compare it to the movie.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Scrooge's 2nd birth

Scrooge woke up from the three spirits lessons, he looked around, and saw that none of his curtains were torn down, and that everything that he owned was there, and he said that he would honor christmas all year. He looked outside the window, and he saw a boy, and asked him what day it was today, the boy told him it was christmas day, and scrooge was cheerful that the spirits did it in one night. He tod the boy to get him the prize turkey and if he did it quick he would give him half a crown. The boy came back, with the man that owned the prize turkey, and he paid the man, and told him to bring it to Bob Cratchit's house, and he gave him a cab to get there, and he also paid the boy.He got excited that Bob wouldn't know who sent it, and that it was twice the size of tiny tim.
Scrooge walked down the street, and saw the portly man, that was trying to get a donation from him, scrooge asked for forgiveness, on how he acted yesterday, and gave the man a huge amount of money, and told him that there was more coming in. He then walked to his nephew Fred's house, and asked him if he could join the party, and fred said yes, and scrooge had a wonderful time. He started work early the next day and decided to play a prank on Bob when he came late. Bob Came late, and scrooge told him to come to him, and that he wasn't going to take this type of behavior, and Bob though that he was going to get fired, but scrooge instead gave him a raise. After this tiny tim did not die, Scrooge became a second father to him, and he had better relationships.
My thoughts
I like scrooge better this way because he seem like a much better guy to be around, instead of his usual grumpy behavior. I like that he apologized to the man after what happened the day before, because he could of just given him the money, and just leave rudely without saying anything. Also it is good for Scrooge to have a relationship with Fred, because, he is the only family member that scrooge has left, and that is what his sister probably would of wanted. I think that it is funny that scrooge, pulled that prank on Bob that he was going to be fired, but instead given a raise. It was very nice of scrooge to give Bob that huge turkey, and not tell Bob anything about it, and that he didn't take credit for it.

Scrooge the Hero

In the start on the last chapter in A Christmas Carol Scrooge's promises that he will stay the same and he will live in the past, present, and the future, also Scrooge was very happy because he was laughing, he said that he was happy as an angel and he kept telling people Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Then he recaped everything that happened in his house, like he said that's where Marley appeared  and there was the corner where the Ghost of Christmas present. Then he saw a kid and told him what day was it and the kid said that it was Christmas day. Then he told the kid to go to the pulteres and but the big Turkey and get him where Scrooge was then he will give him the directions and if the boy did it under five minutes, he will give him a half a crown. Then Scrooge said that he will give it to Bob. Then Scrooge is going to donate to charity and pay the employee's more, and then he went to Fred's and he played the games and had a good time there. Then he left and Bob was late for work and Scrooge was pretending to be mad and then Scrooge raises his salary, and Bob thinks he's insane because he can't believe it. Because of this Tiny Tim does not die and Scrooge becomes a second father.
Image result for a christmas carol memes

In my opinion I think that Scrooge is one of the nicest person in the book now because he saved a life and he is donating to charity, and he has friends now. I like how Scrooge is helping people now and it makes me very happy because when he was mean it made me mad because some people did not deserve being treated that way. If it was not for the spirits, Scrooge will always be mean and no one would of respect him and made fun of him. I am very happy for Scrooge because he has overcome his past and he is focusing on what's happening now instead of the past. Now he does not hate everyone and now he loves everyone and this all happened in one night.

The end of Stave 5:A new beginning

In this last stave of a Christmas Carol,Scrooge wakes up an says that he will promise to keep the Christmas spirit all year. Scrooge thought it had been days since he saw all three ghosts, but that is not the case, all of three spirits had visited him in one night. Scrooge then tells a boy what the day was today, the boy said Christmas. Scrooge then gives money to the boy, so he could buy the biggest turkey, and send it to Bob Cratchit's house, so they could enjoy a meal. Scrooge gets nicely dressed and starts walking on the streets smiling at the other people. Scrooge than meets the two gentlemen from the beginning of the book, and he tell them that he is going to donate a lot of money to the people that are in poverty. Scrooge then wanders off to his nephew's house which is Fred, and go to his Christmas party dinner. Scrooge then has the courage enough to go knock on Fred's door, and come inside, Scrooge said that he had a great time at Fred's house. The next day Scrooge comes to work early, and that notices that Bob Cratchit is late to work. Scrooge then acts to pretend to be angry with Bob once he comes in, but then Scrooge gives Bob a salary. Scrooge then says Merry Christmas to Bob, by this Bob can provide for his family, and Tiny Tim will live. At the end of the stave, Tiny Tim is older, and thinks of Scrooge as his second father, and is grateful to Scrooge.

I really liked this last stave a lot I am glad that Scrooge has finally changed, and made a new beginning in his life. If I had lives in the Victorian Era with Scrooge, and he has changes, then I would be grateful that he would be a friend. Overall I think that the book can also teach people in 2019 to change how they are, even if it is only for a short amount of time. I think that this stave must have been the best one that I have read throught  the novel, I really enjoyed it. I think that now Scrooge will have a stronger relationship with Fred, Bob, and Tiny Tim, Scrooge will probably visit them more often, and as well take some time off work. Overall I had really enjoyed reading this book.

New Scrooge

In Stave five, Scrooge woke up in his own bed, in his own room. Scrooge was so relieved to wake up in his house, he was so happy that he began to sob. He began to see his bed curtain that were still attached to his bed, and his pajamas that weren't torn off of him. Scrooge began to walk around his home and began to remember where The ghost of Jacob Marley entered, the Ghost of Christmas present sat, and the window that he saw all of the souls wandering the streets. Scrooge couldn't remember what the date was, he thinks that he has been asleep for a long time. Scrooge opened his window and called out to a young boy as what the date was, the boy said it was christmas. Scrooge told the boy to order him the biggest turkey from the shop, and that when the boy return he will give the boy some money. Scrooge had the plan to give that turkery to the Cratchits, he gave their address to someone that will deliver it to them.

Scrooge dressed up and went along the streets, he began to smile at people and people were happy to see that. Scrooge bumped with the two gentlemen from the begin of the book, Scrooge promised to donate a huge amount of money. Scrooge went to Fred's house, it took Scrooge enough courage to knock his door that he walked past his door many times. When he did he was greeted by a girl, she escorted Scrooge to Fred. Scrooge stayed for Fred's party and was enjoying himself. Scrooge arrived to his office early and was hoping that Bob would arrive late, when Bob did Scrooge acted angry. However, Scrooge actually gave Bob a raise that Bob was very shocked. In the end, Scrooge was fully changed Tiny Tim didn't die, Fred had a relationship with Scrooge, and the Cratchit's will be fine. I personally think that this was a great ending to a book that started off with just a greedy, mean, and disliked man. Now he's a man that is very nice, fun, and a caring person. He now helps the Cratchit family, especially Tiny Tim. Including, that he now has a relationship with Fred, and he gives money to the poor. Overall, I really liked "A Christmas Carol."