Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Last of Them All

Related imageThe spirit of Christmas yet to come the last of them all. The spirit has a pitch black garment you can't see anything else beside its skeleton arms. The ghost had a very scary appearance Scrooge said it was a very scary spirit.The spirit did not talk at all so the ghost would never answer to scrooge's questions.The ghost would only point into a direction where he wants scrooge to go to. The way that Scrooge reacted to the first time seeing him was that he was as scared as a chicken. We can tell that scrooge is changing for the better because even though he is scared of the spirit he knows that he needs to change for the good.Scrooge in this chapter is willing to do anything to change even the fate of the spirit. The spirit took Scrooge to a city and one moment into his future the spirit took Scrooge to listen to a conversations between businessmen. The first businessman was talking about the death of Scrooge but he still does not know that. One man even said that not even one person is going to go to his funeral which means that he has treated the people poorly enough that they don't care about scrooge at all. The spirit then takes Scrooge a little bit further into his future. Were there are two women and a man. In this scene they were  talking about the death of Scrooge.The women then the man to see what they had for sale the man recognizes some curtains that were from scrooge.
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scrooge's reaction to the ghost
In my opinion the way that they were explaining the ghost of christmas of yet to come was scary enough. If the third Ghost does not enter into the soul of Scrooge and change him and don't know what will. The ghost is showing him this because he is trying to show his bad way and what they lead him to be. In this chapter I believe he is showing that he would do anything to change from the man he is to a better man. If he does not change he will die and be forgotten as the worst person who ever died

1 comment:

  1. Angel, the scenes you talk about here connect well with your last paragraph. Scrooge is witnessing people talking about his death that he doesn't know about. I also agree that if the third Spirit doesn't change him, nothing else will. Fear is a powerful emotion and motivator, and almost nothing else can amount to that, apart from hope, but you cannot have fear without hope. If Scrooge doesn't change, there is almost no more hope for him to turn his life around.
