In Stave 4, Scrooge is visited by the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. The spirit is tall and skinny and you can not see his face. The spirit has a skeletal hand and points to places for Scrooge to listen to instead of talking. The spirit takes Scrooge to many scenes of bussines men and families and people on the streets talking about a recent death. They then go to the slums where Mrs. Dilber is selling Joe bed curtains and bedding and high quality pajamas. Joe asks where she got these items and she says that she took them off of a dead mans body. Scrooge knows that this is his body and that people are making fun of his death and don't really seem to care that he has died and may even be happy that he has died.
Scrooge sees this and is scared and realizes that he needs to change. The last emotion that Dickens uses is fear. He uses this emotion because fear estils hope and Scrooge needs all of these emotions to truly change. I feel bad that everyone feels this way about Scrooge and that no one really even cares that he has died and that someone went as far as to take the clothes off of his body and sell them. However I understand why everyone thinks this way of him. He is a sour old man who sits on his money and doesn't do anything when he could really change some peoples lives.
Scrooge then asks the spirit to show him another death where people have some sort of emotion towards it. The spirit takes Scrooge to the Cratchit house and we find out that Tiny Tim has died. The whole family is very sad and the once happy and cheery home is how sad and everyone is really sad. They say that Bob walks slower then he used to. Even Fred who didn't know the family well paid his respects to the family and offers to help the family with Tiny Tim's funeral.

Scrooge sees that what he does not oly affects his future, but the future and fate of other families. Scrooge has so much money because his main fear is that he will fall into poverty, but he does not do anything with his money, but save it and it stacks up and he does nothing with it. Scrooge could very easily help the Cratchits and pay for Tiny Tim's medical expenses and get him the best doctors. Although Scrooge may not do that, the least he could do is to pay Bob a little more than he does becausehe underpays Bob extremly and could spare some oney to keep a young boy alive.
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