Monday, February 4, 2019

Stave Three

   Stave three is mainly about the ghost visiting different homes of those in povety and blessing them. The first few pages are just Charles Dickens describing that, but mostly flight as back then since there was no air vehicles many believed it was impossible, so to describe something almost indescribable or comprehensible for them back then would be difficult and he would need any possible description that he could manage. Though later in the chapter they finally get to Fred's house and witness the party Scrooge so adamantly denying them. Scrooge would not have been touched and expected his name by Fred to be running his name through the dirt and it would not have hindered him at all. Though besides a few joking remarks of him being a bear and such Fred rather sympathized and pitied Scrooge which really melted away Scrooge's cold exterior, to the point where for half an hour no one could see him, but he was joining in the games like Blind Man's Bluff and Yes or no. Scrooge yesterday never would of came close to playing or even assosciating with them. Though now Scrooge is really changing and one more push can solidify that.
Image result for bitter memes
Fred's wife telling Fred about Scrooge.
   Stave three is all about the second of the three spirits the Ghost of Christmas Present trying to change Scrooge. He uses primarily the emotion shame to do so to great avail. As the emotion used by the first Ghost is primarily regret which is very effective as a starter to stop change, though it is not at all the only emotion as it is a temporary kickstarter. However the emotion the next spirit is using helps solidify the want for change and it is shame. As Scrooge learned how horrible his actions were and how shameful they are. As Scrooge is changing slowly and it seems like he really will change and one last push is needed by the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.

1 comment:

  1. To start wanted to say that I liked your meme. In your summary I liked that you mentioned how Scrooge would of never thought about coming close to Fred's party or even playing any kind of game. Now he is having the time of his life and asking to stay so he can play more.I think this point really shows that scrooge is changing. On the other hand I agree with you that Scrooge will need that final push from the final ghost so he will change for the rest of his life.
