Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A Different Scrooge

   The day has come, and we are finally reading the last stave in A Christmas Carol. From the beginning until now, we have gone on a journey with Scrooge in his path of changing to become a better person. From seeing him at the beginning of the book with a grumpy, mean, and selfish personality and attitude, to seeing him getting visited by all three spirits. It is now at the last stave of the book that we see Scrooge as a new person. Now, he is as happy and joyous as ever. He is probably even more happier and giddy than me when I am happy and excited. When Scrooge came back to his normal and regular life after being visited by all three spirits, he was instantly in a bright and cheery mood, and he appreciated seeing multiple of his belonging such as the bed curtains after seeing them in the scenes that he was showed when being visited by the Spirits. It seemed like he woke up on the right side of the bed. Scrooge wished everyone a merry Christmas and a happy New Year, and you can certainly tell how excited and happy he is to be back to his normal life after getting visited by the three spirits. He certainly is now going to change for the better. Scrooge is not grumpy and mean anymore, but he is rather happy and joyful. He is also not his greedy old self anymore. He sent a large prize turkey to the Cratchit family, donated an abundance of money to charity, visited Fred for Christmas dinner, and increased Bob's salary. He even became a second father to Tiny Tim. Scrooge's life took a complete 360, and just reading this last stave made me happy for him and the people around him and in his life.
   Personally, if I would have been in Scrooge's place and got visited by all three spirts, I would have reacted the same way as he did too when he came back to his normal life. What I read in stave five reminded me of when you wake up from one of the worst nightmares ever, and I can totally understand and tell why Scrooge is happy, giddy, excited, and acting just the way he is. Just imagine having a dream that one of your loved ones in your life died, and you were feeling such fear, sadness, and a ton of other emotions in your dream. However, when you woke up, you instantly made sure that that person was still alive, and when you saw that person who died in your dream, you were relieved and were the happiest you have ever been when you realize that they did not really die. This is equivalent to what Scrooge is going through. After being visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come and going and visiting all of the scenes that gave out the emotion of regret, shame, and fear, of course Scrooge would be beyond happy to come back to his normal life, and what he had gone through would have changed him. This is similar to if you have a sibling who you have always been mean to, but one day you have a dream that they died. However, after that dream, you were actually happy to see that they were safe and okay, and you may have started acting a little nicer to them. What Scrooge had gone through was just like this but a hundred times worse that it helped him change for good and for the better with all three of the sprits. This is how I view what Scrooge was like when he came back to his normal life after being visited by the three spirits, and I can relate to his feelings after putting myself in his shoes. In the end, I am happy for him and others around him, and I hope he has a better life after what he has gone through and realized. 
Image result for rihanna hair flip
Scrooge when he comes back to his normal life with a new personality and attitude towards life.

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