Monday, February 11, 2019

Play V.S. Book

   Scrooge has officialy changed now. Scrooge after seeing the last ghost is so eager to help somebody that his giddy like a schoolboy with excitement. Scrooge goes out and thinking of the caroler he had made felt lonely saw a boy asked him to get a big turkey and gave him half a crown. Scrooge next gets the turkey and writes the address of Bob Crachit's house to send him the turkey anonymously. As he is so excited as the turkey is twice the size of Tiny Tim. Then Scrooge goes to Fred's house who has house maids and does very well off, and asks him if he can still join for his invitation. Fred just as eagerly as Scrooge accepts and they join in a party for a while. Then what Scrooge has eagerly wanted to do is now here as Bob Crachit is coming to work he is eighteen minutes late. Scrooge says he can not tolerate this any longer and says after sounding like he was going to fire him says he will give him a raise. The play did a really great job of this especially this part I can remember how actively excited Scrooge was when he said he was getting a raise and Bob Crachit's amazement.
   The play is almost exactly similar to the book. As the play may not have all the spoken lines, but it definitely implies almost everything left unsaid through behaviorism and mannerisms. As though almost all the important lines that come to my mind I recall hearing during the play, though I do not think they ended with the line, "and so as Tiny Tim observed God bless us everyone." It did not mention anything about the Christmas Present's 1800 brothers. Though it misses some lines it is so well done and representative of how you feel reading it and was just great to watch especially at a nice theater. It also exaggerated firing Scrooge then giving him a raise where as the book made it seem like he was going to fire him, but he did not say it to keep the joke, but implied it was coming though he really said he would in the play. Though they both end up with Scrooge not only giving him a raise, but Tiny Tim as he ended being considered a second father to him and very involved, hopefully with his nephew he struggles so much just to have a relationship with him top. Though it did not say if he stayed close with Fred though he definitely did, but I am curious as to how close he may be to where Scrooge lived and I really wonder and wish we got to see every important character's reaction to Scrooge changing especially Bob Cratchit and Fred's wife.

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