Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Stave 4.

In stave 4 we met the Ghost of Christmas yet to come. It had a black garment which blocked the view of his head and body. The only visible part was his left hand and it didn't talk. When Scrooge asked him who he was the spirit just pointed. Scrooge was scared and the Spirit just observed him. They went to the city which it was spring at that time. they saw some business men talking about the death of some man but didn't seem to know when he died or how. They also didn't seem to care and said it would be a cheap funeral. Then they headed to an obscured part of town where the poor people lived in. There was also shops and they came to the presence of a women and man. Then a man named Joe invited them into the parlor. The woman and the man were talking about the death of Scrooge. They were not talking so kindly of Scrooge and he just looked in horror.
In my opinion the Ghost of Christmas yet to come is going to change Scrooge the most. He has this scary appearance and the fact he cant talk is kind of surprising. Know Scrooge has to figure all out by himself and the Ghost just guides him to the next destination. The fit scene was also kind of sad, no one seemed to take Scrooge's death seriously, they didn't seem sad about him being gone which is horrifying if you are Scrooge. This scene hopefully made Scrooge want to change. I mean he saw how people didn't care about him being dead and would sometimes laugh and would only seem interested in his money. I believe that the Spirit will end changing Scrooge for the better. By the end of stave 4 Scrooge will start to become a nicer person and will try to help everyone, specially Tiny Tim who is close to death.

1 comment:

  1. Nice summary on your first paragraph. I agree with you that this spirit is going to have the biggest impact on Scrooge because fear is a powerful motivator. The scenes the Ghost showed him so far have been kinda sad since no one seemed to take him seriously and didn't care about him. Seeing how they were talking about Scrooge that way is horrifying, and yeah hopefully by the end Scrooge will want to change, seeing how no one cared about him and only laughed. Since we've seen the play already, thank God Scrooge becomes a nicer person by the end and helps Bob and his family, including Tiny Tim who's close to death. Good job on your blog post, with the summary and the second paragraph and all.
