After leaving the Cratchit house, Scrooge and the Spirit go to Fred's Christmas Party, which Scrooge declined his invitation to. Fred, his wife, and his wife's sister were there, as well as a friend named Topper, who is just sad and depressed because he is single. Scrooge witnesses these scenes as a latent being, and he sees Fred's guests play games, they laugh, and they eat. After they eat, they play some games: Blind Man's Bluff, and Yes or No. Scrooge participates in these games, even though he is non-existent in the house. This shows that the Spirits' works to change him have been working. He is feeling happy to be playing with other people, instead of working and sleeping 24/7. Fred is talking with his wife, and he says that it is a pity that Scrooge isn't here. He is just trying to help him by making him company to others, but he just pushes him away.
Fred's words here were pretty surprising to me. Personally, if Scrooge had not accepted my invitation, and if he had treated me like dirt, over several years and special occasions of my life, I would be mad at him for not at least being a decent person in my life, like supplying with financial aid, or even with the regular letter or telegram. I am just surprised with Fred though. He may feel like what Scrooge is feeling like right now. He grew up in poverty, got little no no education. His mother, Scrooge's sister, Fan, is dead, and we have no idea what happened to his father. I think he wants Scrooge to be a better man because if Fred himself can get himself out of a deep emotional ditch, so could Scrooge. Fred probably acted like Scrooge at one point in his life, and I think that when he turned away from his sinful ways, he wanted his old, cranky, and lonely uncle to share the same joy he himself is now experiencing. Many people say you are a product of your past, but I believe that Fred is an exception of this. He ONCE WAS a product of his past, but now he is in control of his own life.
Nice job with your Summary Toby. I can agree with your opinion Toby because Fred's words also surprised me too and I thought he was going to make fun of Scrooge. Again I can agree with your opinion because I also think that Fred wants Scrooge to be better and not miserable. I like how you said that Fred acted like Scrooge at some point because he had a bad childhood and I can agree with that a lot. Overall nice job with your blog Toby!