Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Day Has Finally Come

The stave starts off with Scrooge being happy and excited for Christmas after awakening from the three spirits that changed him. Scrooge was really energetic and he went out and felt like his old self again. He went up to a boy and told him to get the biggest turkey in town and bring it to him and he will pay the boy. Scrooge said that he will give the boy a lot of money if he delivers it fast and he went off right away. Scrooge is going to surprise the Cratchit family with the biggest turkey in town. The boy was crying tears of joy because he has never met a man so nice before. Scrooge then went to Fred's party and he was surprised that Scrooge arrived because he would usually never come. Fred sees that Scrooge has changed into a new man and his really relieved. Scrooge came and had a great time at the party eating, singing, dancing, and playing many games. Fred is happy that Scrooge cares about him and many others. Later Bob arrived late to Scrooges and he pretended to act really mean and grumpy and Bob was getting nervous and told Scrooge that it will never happen again. Scrooge then told Bob that he is raising his salary and explained to Bob that he is a new man and he gave extra money toward the Cratchit family to support Tiny Tim and he ended up not dying and was taken under good medical care.

In my opinion Scrooge made the right choice and if I were in his shoes I would of have done the same thing too. What made Scrooge change was when he got to understand what everyone was going through and he started sympathising for them because they were in a really bad situation. Each scene in the last chapter showed a bit of connection in the past where Scrooge made a mistake. Scrooge would help the boy if he delivered the turkey. Scrooge understands what the little boy was going through because he was once in that situation and he sees their point of view. Another scene was when he spent time with his nephew Fred. In the past Scrooge used to hate Fred and blamed him for killing his sister but he later understood that Fred just wants whats best for him and wants to spend time with Scrooge. The last scene was when he helped the Cratchit family when they needed it. Back then Scrooge didn't care that a life would be taken and said that it would only decrease the surplus population but he later regretted everything he said and understood the Cratchits families point of view. Scrooge understands everyone better and wants to try the best he can to help those who needs it.

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