Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Last Chapter of A Christmas Carol

 In the last chapter of A Christmas Carol, Scrooge awakes from his journey with the ghosts. He is happy that he is alive and all his belongings are still where they are. Right away he looks out the window and sees a boy, and greets him very nicely and asks him to get the biggest turkey for him. He also tells him that he will pay him a lot of money if he brings it to him fast. Already we see that Scrooge has changed. Scrooge says that he will give the huge turkey to Bob and his family for their Christmas dinner. Time has not past and it is still Christmas day. Scrooge then goes over to Fred's house and Fred is surprised that Scrooge has arrived. Scrooge has a good time at Fred's party, they eat, listen to music, and play lots of games. The next day arrives and Scrooge wants Bob to be late so he can trick him into thinking that he is very angry that he has come late, and little does Bob know he'll raise his salary. Bob does come late, and is scared after Scrooge seemed angry, but then was surprised when Scrooge had said that he will be raising his salary and helping him out with fees. 
 We also find out that in the future that Tiny Tim does not die, because Scrooge had changed his ways. Many people are surprised of Scrooge's change of living his life. We saw it coming that Scrooge was going to change after all the ghosts had visited Scrooge, and it is good that Scrooge has changed his ways of living life, because it not only affects himself in a positive way, but also affects other people's lives. Scrooge had needed all three of the spirits to make him want to change permanently, though the last spirit really made him make his decision in changing. The book was very interesting and the play was a lot of fun to see as well!

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