Thursday, January 31, 2019

Stave Three | The Ghost of Christmas Present Arrives

 In stave three, the Ghost of Christmas Present pays Scrooge a visit, and brings him to a scene from the present day of Bob and his family. Scrooge sees how the family is happy, they play little pranks with each other and are joyful. It's interesting to see during the stave that when he sees Tiny Tim he is compassionate towards him, and asks if he will survive. The ghost then replies back that if he'd die he'd just be decreasing the large population, words that Scrooge had used before. But now Scrooge thinks differently for sure, he then says that Tiny Tim will be spared and live. Later on in the reading the family eats dinner, and Mr. Cratchit tells them all that the feast couldn't have happened without Scrooge. His wife doesn't seem to agree with him on that and says how he is a cold man. Everyone then toasts to that.
 Scrooge clearly is changing, as we see from the previous stave, and now this stave. He's becoming more compassionate and understanding things more, which is very good. Hopefully he continues to do so as the ghosts help him realize his wrongdoing and his bad lifestyle. In the beginning of the stave, we see that Scrooge actually wants to change for the better and wants to become a better human being. He says to the spirit that he learnt a lesson from the last spirit that had come to visit him, and that now when the spirit is to teach him, that he will profit by it and wishes to learn something with his time with the current spirit. I'm curious to see what the spirit will show him next, that will probably have an effect on Scrooge, like it has been affecting him for the better.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on your summary it shows that you have read. I agree with you that Scrooge will eventually have change because of all of the bad things he has done in life. He is beginning to understand and feel the Cratchits. I hope that the next spirits will help change Scrooge permanently to be a better person.
