In stave three, the Ghost of Christmas Present pays Scrooge a visit, and brings him to a scene from the present day of Bob and his family. Scrooge sees how the family is happy, they play little pranks with each other and are joyful. It's interesting to see during the stave that when he sees Tiny Tim he is compassionate towards him, and asks if he will survive. The ghost then replies back that if he'd die he'd just be decreasing the large population, words that Scrooge had used before. But now Scrooge thinks differently for sure, he then says that Tiny Tim will be spared and live. Later on in the reading the family eats dinner, and Mr. Cratchit tells them all that the feast couldn't have happened without Scrooge. His wife doesn't seem to agree with him on that and says how he is a cold man. Everyone then toasts to that.
Scrooge clearly is changing, as we see from the previous stave, and now this stave. He's becoming more compassionate and understanding things more, which is very good. Hopefully he continues to do so as the ghosts help him realize his wrongdoing and his bad lifestyle. In the beginning of the stave, we see that Scrooge actually wants to change for the better and wants to become a better human being. He says to the spirit that he learnt a lesson from the last spirit that had come to visit him, and that now when the spirit is to teach him, that he will profit by it and wishes to learn something with his time with the current spirit. I'm curious to see what the spirit will show him next, that will probably have an effect on Scrooge, like it has been affecting him for the better.
Reflections on Charles Dickens' classic novel "A Christmas Carol" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Christmas Carol Blog Post
In a very basic summary, Scrooge was visited by the ghost of Christmas Present. The Spirit of Christmas Present looks like a Jolly Giant with a dark green rob, barefeet, and a holly crown on his head. Scrooge touched the robe and they transported into a street where people were shoveling snow and they joyful. All the people go to church including Tiny Tim and he even behaves well at church. The spirit also blesses people who aren't in the christmas spirit with water and incense, in my opinion Scrooge could use a lot of this. They go to Bob's place and the spirit shows him the scene of their family eating dinner and overall being happy together. Scrooge feels overall empathetic in this scene because he feels bad for not paying Bob enough and this will result in poor, innocent Tiny Tim dying if he doesn't change anything about his ways.
Scrooge is confused on how the people in the scene where they are shoveling are so juveous. Scrooge isn't used to this and the fact that it is snowing makes it not joyful to Scrooge. This shows that Scrooge really needs to work on looking at the positive side of things in life. He is alo confused when the spirit brings him to the Cratchit's place, that is very humble and small compared to their big family. He also had trouble understanding how the family could be so happy even in their conditions. Specifically when they bring the goose in and they are amused, he doesn't understand because to him it isn't a big deal at all. Scrooge does show empathy towards tiny Tim though, he asks the spirit if he will live and the spirit says that if nothing changes then he won't live, and Scrooge feels very bad and empathetic.
Scrooge is confused on how the people in the scene where they are shoveling are so juveous. Scrooge isn't used to this and the fact that it is snowing makes it not joyful to Scrooge. This shows that Scrooge really needs to work on looking at the positive side of things in life. He is alo confused when the spirit brings him to the Cratchit's place, that is very humble and small compared to their big family. He also had trouble understanding how the family could be so happy even in their conditions. Specifically when they bring the goose in and they are amused, he doesn't understand because to him it isn't a big deal at all. Scrooge does show empathy towards tiny Tim though, he asks the spirit if he will live and the spirit says that if nothing changes then he won't live, and Scrooge feels very bad and empathetic.
ACC Post
In stave three, Scrooge had awoken when the bell tolled one. Scrooge had stayed awake and got himself prepared. He did not want to be frightened by the spirit this time. Scrooge was anxious and nervous when the ghost hadn't arrived in time. All the sudden there was a light coming from the room next to his. A voice had invited him to come in. He entered the room, but the room was familiar. The room was his, but decorated with holly and things of that nature. There was a feast prepared before Scrooge. There were things of poultry, meats, turkeys, geese, and things of that nature. It was very opposite of the room of Scrooge's. The Ghost of Christmas Present presented himself. He was a giant with bare feet. He was wearing a green robe, had holly in his hand, and had a wreath around his neck. The giant explained how he had over eighteen hundred siblings. Then, the room had vanished, and they were brought to an old poor part of town. There were bakers, preachers, poulterers, and butchers gathered around. They were all humble and they all had christmas spirit within them. Then, the spirit brought Scrooge to Bob Cratchit's home. There was Mrs. Cratchit, Belinda, Peter, and another boy and girl waiting at home for Bob and Tiny Tim to arrive. The eldest child, Martha, arrived earlier than Mr. Cratchit and so she had surprised them when they had arrived. They had a christmas dinner which consisted of a goose and mashed potatoes. Later, they had a pudding for desert. After the meal, Bob wanted to thank Scrooge for how he provided Bob money for the meal even though his pay is low. Mrs. Cratchit is not fond of Scrooge and speaks ill about him. The children are also aware of this. Scrooge is aware of Tiny Tim's condition and asks the spirit if he will live. The spirit delivers bad news about there being an empty seat and a crutch without an owner.
First of all, the appearance of the spirit intrigues me. It's very contrasting to the last spirit. He is described as giant who is jolly. He also wears a robe and carries holly around with him. This is starting to sound like a modern day St. Nick. There is also a good representation here on how this is Victorian-Era London. Their eldest, Martha, seems to be working. She is still a child, but yet she is working. This is a clear sign of child labor. Another representation here is how poverish the Cratchit family is. This probably would've been the conditions for the majority of families in London. For every spirit that visits, they bring a strong emotion to the table. The last spirit's emotion that he wanted to show Scrooge was regret. In my opinion, I think that this spirit is trying to get Scrooge to feel remorse and guilty about himself. Guilt is a very strong emotion. The spirit is doing this by showing the condition of Bob Cratchit's family. Scrooge also feels guilt about Tiny Tim, since he is aware that Bob's pay is not able to care for Tim's condition.
First of all, the appearance of the spirit intrigues me. It's very contrasting to the last spirit. He is described as giant who is jolly. He also wears a robe and carries holly around with him. This is starting to sound like a modern day St. Nick. There is also a good representation here on how this is Victorian-Era London. Their eldest, Martha, seems to be working. She is still a child, but yet she is working. This is a clear sign of child labor. Another representation here is how poverish the Cratchit family is. This probably would've been the conditions for the majority of families in London. For every spirit that visits, they bring a strong emotion to the table. The last spirit's emotion that he wanted to show Scrooge was regret. In my opinion, I think that this spirit is trying to get Scrooge to feel remorse and guilty about himself. Guilt is a very strong emotion. The spirit is doing this by showing the condition of Bob Cratchit's family. Scrooge also feels guilt about Tiny Tim, since he is aware that Bob's pay is not able to care for Tim's condition.
In the beginning of stave three Scrooge is waiting for the next ghost and when the clock hit one the ghost didn't come yet.Later on someone called his name and then told him to enter a room so Scrooge listened to him.The ghost introduced himself as the ghost of christmas present,the ghost was oddly shaped because it had nothing on it's feet.Later on they go to Scrooge's worker Bob, he's Scrooge's clerk and he very poor and he has a sick son who will die if Scrooge does not change or help him out with giving them money.Bob is coming home to have a christmas dinner with all his family after he gets home he gets pranked.He gets convinced that Martha is not coming when she was really hiding trying to suprise him and so she did with tiny Tims help.
Scrooge then touches the ghost rope and said that he could give it to anyone and they both talked about giving it to the poor because they need it the most.Bob gives a speech to his family and he is been thankful and the Tiny Tim said that God bless everyone.Bob's wife was wearing a dress but,its described as a dirty one like not in a very good shape same with his daughter.Later on Scrooge tells the ghost if Tim will live and the answer to that question is no.Scrooge realises that he has to be a little more nicer and knows that this is his fault because he's the reason why Tiny Tim's family can't afford any medicine for him.Scrooge knows that he has to do something to help out Bob's son or else he will die soon and everyone will be sad or depressed.
In my opinion I like this chapter because Scrooge is starting to care about others because he asked the ghost if Bob's son will be okay and when he found out the answer he wasn't happy.Which means he is starting to care more about others than he cares about himself.Scrooge knows that Tim is going to die and he wants to do something to stop that from happening.I think that Scrooge should give either pay for Tim's medicine or give BOb a raise so he can pay it himself.What do you think that Scrooge should do to help out Tiny Tim?!It's nice that Scrooge is starting to change because that's what his friend wants and that's also what we want because we know that even though he had a tough childhood is starting to change into a new person.
Scrooge then touches the ghost rope and said that he could give it to anyone and they both talked about giving it to the poor because they need it the most.Bob gives a speech to his family and he is been thankful and the Tiny Tim said that God bless everyone.Bob's wife was wearing a dress but,its described as a dirty one like not in a very good shape same with his daughter.Later on Scrooge tells the ghost if Tim will live and the answer to that question is no.Scrooge realises that he has to be a little more nicer and knows that this is his fault because he's the reason why Tiny Tim's family can't afford any medicine for him.Scrooge knows that he has to do something to help out Bob's son or else he will die soon and everyone will be sad or depressed.
In my opinion I like this chapter because Scrooge is starting to care about others because he asked the ghost if Bob's son will be okay and when he found out the answer he wasn't happy.Which means he is starting to care more about others than he cares about himself.Scrooge knows that Tim is going to die and he wants to do something to stop that from happening.I think that Scrooge should give either pay for Tim's medicine or give BOb a raise so he can pay it himself.What do you think that Scrooge should do to help out Tiny Tim?!It's nice that Scrooge is starting to change because that's what his friend wants and that's also what we want because we know that even though he had a tough childhood is starting to change into a new person.
Scrooge's Present
Stave three starts with Scrooge waking up and waiting for the spirit to arive. Scrooge opens all the curtains and waits for the spirit, however he is surprised when nothing hapens when the clock strikes one. There was a strobe of light that hit him. Scrooge got up to see what was happening and went to his door, when he went to the door, he heard his name being called and telling him to enter. Scrooge listened and when he went through the door, he saw his own room, but it was decorated for a christmas party. The ghost takes Scrooge to the Cratchit family christmas dinner. Scrooge sees their son Tiny Tim who is a cripple and the spirit tells him that he will die soon. After they eat dinner, they make a toast and Bob Crachit toasts to Scrooge. Mrs. Cratchit is angered by this and talks badly about Scrooge.
Stave 3 ACC
In Stave three Scrooge was being prepared for almost anything that would possible happen to him. Soon enough the clock turned one and no shape had, he was taken by a violent fit of trembling. The time was passing by, five minutes, ten minutes, a quarter to an hour passed by and yet nothing came by Scrooge, all this time Scrooge was layed down on bed. Scrooge decided to get up and go check on the clock, as soon as Scrooge put his hand on the clock scrooge heard a strange voice call him by his name, and bade him to enter. Scrooge obeyed. Scrooge had a room all to him, so there was no doubt it was a roommate. The walls and ceiling were so hung with living green, that it looked a perfect groove, from every part of which light came from. The crisp leaves of holly misteltoe and the ivy reflected back the light, as if they where tiny mirrors. A kind of throne was forming, were turkeys, geese, game, poultry, brawn, great joints of meat, sucking-pigs, long wreaths of sausages, mince-pies, plum-pudding, barrels of oyosters, redhot chestnuts, cherry-cheeked apples, juicy oranges, luscious pears, immense twelfth-cakes, and seething bowls of punch, that made the chamber dim with their delicous steam. The ghost told Scrooge to come in, he also said that he would know him better.
As Scrooge entered timidly, his head had hung before the spirtit. Even though the ghosts eyes where clear and kind, Scrooge did not want to meet them. "I am the Ghost of Cristmas Present," siad the spirit "Look apon me," Scrooge did as was siad by the spirit. The ghost wore no other covering other than a holly wreath, there and with soemthing shiny. His curly hair was long and free, its sparkling eye, it opened hand, its cherry voice, its unconstrained demeanour, and its joyful air. The ghost has asked Scrooge if he has ever since somelike him and Scrooge reclaims never. The ghost demanded Scrooge to taouch his robe, and Scrooge did as he wasw told, he touch the robe fast. All of the items that the ghost brought with him vanished instanly, as Scrooge toched the robe of the ghost. People that where shovelling away on the housetops were jovial and full of glee,a nd they where calling out to one another. Scrooge sees his son Tiny Tim who is a cripple, and as Scrooge is seeing his son, the ghost tell him that Tiny Tim will soon die. Going in further into the story they make a dinner and Bob makes a toast at the end for Scrooge. As this was going on Mrs. Cratchit is angry and is talking badly about Scrooge.
As Scrooge entered timidly, his head had hung before the spirtit. Even though the ghosts eyes where clear and kind, Scrooge did not want to meet them. "I am the Ghost of Cristmas Present," siad the spirit "Look apon me," Scrooge did as was siad by the spirit. The ghost wore no other covering other than a holly wreath, there and with soemthing shiny. His curly hair was long and free, its sparkling eye, it opened hand, its cherry voice, its unconstrained demeanour, and its joyful air. The ghost has asked Scrooge if he has ever since somelike him and Scrooge reclaims never. The ghost demanded Scrooge to taouch his robe, and Scrooge did as he wasw told, he touch the robe fast. All of the items that the ghost brought with him vanished instanly, as Scrooge toched the robe of the ghost. People that where shovelling away on the housetops were jovial and full of glee,a nd they where calling out to one another. Scrooge sees his son Tiny Tim who is a cripple, and as Scrooge is seeing his son, the ghost tell him that Tiny Tim will soon die. Going in further into the story they make a dinner and Bob makes a toast at the end for Scrooge. As this was going on Mrs. Cratchit is angry and is talking badly about Scrooge.
The Ghost of Christmas Present
The start of this reading beginnings with Scrooge waking up from the church bells. Scrooge waits for the ghost but after 15 minutes the ghost didn't show up. This made Scrooge become nervous. I found this interesting because Scrooge now believes in the spirit and it seems like he wants to change. This situation could be the be like before where Scrooge is scared of what will happen next. Scrooge ends up finding the next ghost in another room. The ghost says that he is the spirit of Christmas Present.
He has red hair and is dressed in a green robe and is surrounded by food. The spirit says that his life span is only a day and he has over 1800 brothers. Scrooge is ordered to grab onto robe and is taken out of the house onto the city streets. It is Christmas day and everyone is very happy. People are shoveling and preparing for their Christmas dinner. The spirit takes Scrooge to Bob Cratchit’s house. When we are told about the dinner it is very similar to the play. Bob has a large family that lives in poverty.
Many of the childrens clothes are hand me downs. Peter the oldest son wears his father's shirt that is to big for him. The family oldest daughter Martha works at a milliner’s. This would be an example of child labor assuming that Martha is still a child. This scene in the book is very important. This is when Scrooge sees Tiny Tim and realizes how his actions have affected other people. Scrooge understands that he still has a chance to change his ways. When Scrooge sees how ill is Tiny Tim and how much his family loves him, he asks the spirit if the boy will live. The spirit then responds by saying that there will be an empty chair and Tim’s crutch will be placed in a corner next year if Scrooge’s actions don’t change. This scene is very empowering to Scrooge because he knows that it will be his fault if Tim dies.
The Ghost of Christmas Present

In my opinion all the foods that were in the table we are going to have for our victorian party. I also think that Scrooge is going to do something to help Tiny Tim out if he does not Tiny Tim shall die. I agree with Bob that if it was not for scrooge they would not have a small feast. The next thing I think they are going to show him is the party that Fred invited him to go to. I also think that Scrooge is going to change ones the third spirit haunts him. Also that he is going to do something for Tiny Tim from his reaction. Of what the spirit said.
Sam- So far in stave 3
Scrooge woke up, and he was ready to challenge the next spirit that came but when the bell struck one he waited, but it wasn't showing up he waited the whole hour but it didn't come, then the spirit called to him, to enter the room, and scrooge obeyed. The ghost told him to come in to get to know him better, he then told scrooge that he was the ghost of christmas present, and to look upon him, the ghost was clothed in a simple green robe, and it was hangin so loosely from it that it showed the spirits bare chest, and it had nothing on its feet, and on its head was a simple holly wreath. The ghost asked scrooge if he has ever seen something like him, and scrooge answered with a no. The ghost told scrooge to hold his robe, and scrooge did as he was told. The ghost then showed scrooge the things that people had for christmas for example, mistletoes, turkeys, geese, game. There was music on the streets, there was thin sheets of snow on the roofs, and it was very exciting for the boys to see the snow fall down.
The ghost then showed scrooge his clerk bob cratchit, that earns 15 bobs a weeks, then scrooge saw Bob's wife and she was dressed in a nice, but bad dress, and she was laying down a cloth while her daughter that was also dressed poorly. Then Bob's son peter was putting his fork in the pot of potatoes. Mrs. Cratchit then said what's taking their father, and Martha so long, and that they were late for christmas, Then one of the children said that Marta was here, and then Mrs. Cratchit asked why she was so late. Then Bob came in with tiny tim, and he asked were martha is, and they told him that she is not coming as a joke, but then she came out of the closet. Then tiny tim's brother helped him walk to the fire because of his disability, then they went to go get the goose for dinner, when they came back the whole family helped to get the rest of the food ready. Then Mrs. Cratchit came out with the pudding, and then they all ate. Scrooge asked the spirit if tiny tim will live, and the spirit replies with that he sees an empty seat, and scrooge begs for him the say that he will be spared.
My Thoughts
I wonder how scrooge was planning to take on the ghost when it came, because you can't touch ghost, and when the ghost cam scrooge just obeyed everything that it said which was pretty funny to me because he was planning to take it on. It is sad that Bob Cratchit has a really big family, and he works super hard, and he gets paid so little. I felt bad for tiny tim because he must be discriminated because of his disability. I wonder what the pudding from the book tastes like because it is described in the book really well and sounds delicious. It was also sad when scrooge asks the ghost if tiny tim will live and the ghost says no, imagine the pain that the family will go through if that happens.
Scrooge woke up, and he was ready to challenge the next spirit that came but when the bell struck one he waited, but it wasn't showing up he waited the whole hour but it didn't come, then the spirit called to him, to enter the room, and scrooge obeyed. The ghost told him to come in to get to know him better, he then told scrooge that he was the ghost of christmas present, and to look upon him, the ghost was clothed in a simple green robe, and it was hangin so loosely from it that it showed the spirits bare chest, and it had nothing on its feet, and on its head was a simple holly wreath. The ghost asked scrooge if he has ever seen something like him, and scrooge answered with a no. The ghost told scrooge to hold his robe, and scrooge did as he was told. The ghost then showed scrooge the things that people had for christmas for example, mistletoes, turkeys, geese, game. There was music on the streets, there was thin sheets of snow on the roofs, and it was very exciting for the boys to see the snow fall down.
The ghost then showed scrooge his clerk bob cratchit, that earns 15 bobs a weeks, then scrooge saw Bob's wife and she was dressed in a nice, but bad dress, and she was laying down a cloth while her daughter that was also dressed poorly. Then Bob's son peter was putting his fork in the pot of potatoes. Mrs. Cratchit then said what's taking their father, and Martha so long, and that they were late for christmas, Then one of the children said that Marta was here, and then Mrs. Cratchit asked why she was so late. Then Bob came in with tiny tim, and he asked were martha is, and they told him that she is not coming as a joke, but then she came out of the closet. Then tiny tim's brother helped him walk to the fire because of his disability, then they went to go get the goose for dinner, when they came back the whole family helped to get the rest of the food ready. Then Mrs. Cratchit came out with the pudding, and then they all ate. Scrooge asked the spirit if tiny tim will live, and the spirit replies with that he sees an empty seat, and scrooge begs for him the say that he will be spared.
My Thoughts
I wonder how scrooge was planning to take on the ghost when it came, because you can't touch ghost, and when the ghost cam scrooge just obeyed everything that it said which was pretty funny to me because he was planning to take it on. It is sad that Bob Cratchit has a really big family, and he works super hard, and he gets paid so little. I felt bad for tiny tim because he must be discriminated because of his disability. I wonder what the pudding from the book tastes like because it is described in the book really well and sounds delicious. It was also sad when scrooge asks the ghost if tiny tim will live and the ghost says no, imagine the pain that the family will go through if that happens.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
So Far in ACC Stave Three
So fist in stave three in "A Christmas Carol" Scrooge has just woken up and Scrooge was getting his thoughts together. Scrooge was nervous, but was prepared for almost everything, but when the clock hit one, no spirit or shape appeared, but Scrooge was taken with a violent fit of trembling. Minutes past and nothing came yet. Scrooge began to think that the source secret of his ghostly light might be adjoining room and it seem to shine. So Scrooge got up and went to the door, but then when Scrooge hand was on the lock then someone called his name and bade him enter and Scrooge obeyed.
It was Scrooge room, but then the room changed, so the walls and ceiling were so hung with living green that it looked like a perfect grove. Then the ghost came and told Scrooge to come in to know him better. Then Scrooge came in and then the ghost was wearing a green robe bordered with white fur, its feet observable beneath the ample folds of the garment and on its head it wore no other covering than a holly wreath. Its dark brown curls were long and free and its genial face, its sparkling eye, its open hand, its cherry voice, and it's joyful air. Then the Spirit told Scrooge to touch his robe and Scrooge did, then Scrooge ask that if there was a peculiar flavour in what your sprinkle your torch.
Then the spirit said there was and it was his own, and Scrooge said that he gives it to anyone and then the spirit said he gives it to a poor one most. Then Scrooge said that why does he give it to the poor ones the mist and the spirit said because they need it the most. Then Scrooge was invincible just like he was promised then the spirit and Scrooge went inside Bob Cratchit's house and when the spirit got in, he went to go bless him with his torch. Then up rose Mrs. Cratchit and she was dressed out, but poorly in a twice turned gown , but brave in ribbons. She was laid the cloth, assisted by Belinda and she was the second daughter.
And Master Peter Cratchit was eating and and two other younger kids came in and they were a boy and a girl. Then Martha came and Mrs. Cratchit was happy to see her because she was very late and she works. Then Bob came and Martha hid herself from her and Bob was wondering where she was then she came right into his arms, after Bob told them that Tiny Tim was growing big and strong, but the only thin g was that his voice was trembling when he said that. Then they began to eat and then Bob said Merry Christmas, then Tiny Tim said "God Bless us everyone", then Scrooge told the spirit if he will live and the spirit said no. Scrooge begged the spirit, but he said no.
In my opinion you can tell that Scrooge regrets and he feels bad for Tiny Tim because he knows that he is going to die. Also Scrooge know that it is all his fault if tiny Tim dies because the family can not afford medicine. In my opinion the spirit seems a little nicer from the one before because he has a cheerful voice. I hope Tim will get better and Scrooge can help them because Tiny Tim needs it also their family.
It was Scrooge room, but then the room changed, so the walls and ceiling were so hung with living green that it looked like a perfect grove. Then the ghost came and told Scrooge to come in to know him better. Then Scrooge came in and then the ghost was wearing a green robe bordered with white fur, its feet observable beneath the ample folds of the garment and on its head it wore no other covering than a holly wreath. Its dark brown curls were long and free and its genial face, its sparkling eye, its open hand, its cherry voice, and it's joyful air. Then the Spirit told Scrooge to touch his robe and Scrooge did, then Scrooge ask that if there was a peculiar flavour in what your sprinkle your torch.
Then the spirit said there was and it was his own, and Scrooge said that he gives it to anyone and then the spirit said he gives it to a poor one most. Then Scrooge said that why does he give it to the poor ones the mist and the spirit said because they need it the most. Then Scrooge was invincible just like he was promised then the spirit and Scrooge went inside Bob Cratchit's house and when the spirit got in, he went to go bless him with his torch. Then up rose Mrs. Cratchit and she was dressed out, but poorly in a twice turned gown , but brave in ribbons. She was laid the cloth, assisted by Belinda and she was the second daughter.
And Master Peter Cratchit was eating and and two other younger kids came in and they were a boy and a girl. Then Martha came and Mrs. Cratchit was happy to see her because she was very late and she works. Then Bob came and Martha hid herself from her and Bob was wondering where she was then she came right into his arms, after Bob told them that Tiny Tim was growing big and strong, but the only thin g was that his voice was trembling when he said that. Then they began to eat and then Bob said Merry Christmas, then Tiny Tim said "God Bless us everyone", then Scrooge told the spirit if he will live and the spirit said no. Scrooge begged the spirit, but he said no.
In my opinion you can tell that Scrooge regrets and he feels bad for Tiny Tim because he knows that he is going to die. Also Scrooge know that it is all his fault if tiny Tim dies because the family can not afford medicine. In my opinion the spirit seems a little nicer from the one before because he has a cheerful voice. I hope Tim will get better and Scrooge can help them because Tiny Tim needs it also their family.
ACC Stave Three
Scrooge is waiting for the second ghost to come and the clock struck one, but the ghost didn't come. Scrooge heard a voice after awhile and his room was transformed. The room looked like a perfect groove with all the decorations in it. There was a lot of food and drinks in the room. Scrooge met the Ghost of Christmas Present. The Spirit wore a dark green robe with white fur, is barefoot, and is wearing a wreath with icicles on his head. Scrooge told the spirit to take him where the spirit wanted to take him. The spirit took Scrooge to the city streets. People were getting snow off their roofs. The house and the windows looked black and the sky looked gloomy, but the people were filled with joy exchanging snowballs. The stores were open and people could get food from there. There were also people going to church, wearing their best clothes. Scrooge promised the spirit to help the poor. The spirit then took Scrooge to Bob's house. There were two little children screaming and playing. Martha came to the Cratchit's house for Christmas. Bob and Tiny Tim came a little bit later. Tiny Tim is a cripple and is supported by an iron frame. Their family prepared everything and once everything was prepared, Bob proposed a merry Christmas to everyone. Scrooge asks if Tiny Tim will die and the spirit said he will die if Scrooge doesn't do anything. Bob gives Scrooge the Founder of the Feast and they all drink to him. They spirit and Scrooge stay for a little bit more, then leave.
This scene shows that Scrooge is starting to care to help people. Scrooge wants to help Tiny Tim and wants to help the Cratchits. Scrooge realizes that he needs to pay Bob more to save Tiny Tim and to help the rest of his family, so they have a good life. If Scrooge helps Bob, he will help Bob and his family's problems. Scrooge is starting to change and starting to become a good person, but he needs one more spirit to fully change. Scrooge is learning his lesson and is close to completely changing. Scrooge starts to realize that people should instead live and not die. He is starting to realize that lives matter.
This scene shows that Scrooge is starting to care to help people. Scrooge wants to help Tiny Tim and wants to help the Cratchits. Scrooge realizes that he needs to pay Bob more to save Tiny Tim and to help the rest of his family, so they have a good life. If Scrooge helps Bob, he will help Bob and his family's problems. Scrooge is starting to change and starting to become a good person, but he needs one more spirit to fully change. Scrooge is learning his lesson and is close to completely changing. Scrooge starts to realize that people should instead live and not die. He is starting to realize that lives matter.
Stave Three.
In what I read in stave 3, Scrooge is preparing to meet the second spirit. It hits 1am but the spirit doesn't come but when Scrooge stands up he hears a voice and sits back down. He was in his room but his rooms was transformed, it was filled with light that made the room look grove. Every part of his room seemed to be filled with Christmas objects. Then, Scrooge saw a jolly giant that had a torch. It told Scrooge to come in. It was the ghost of Christmas present, it was wearing a simple white robe, bordered with white fur. The ghost was barefoot and its hair was long, brown, and curly. It was also full of joy. Scrooge then told the ghost that the ghost of Christmas past had showed him a lesson and that he was "prepared" if this ghost would show him a lesson too. Furthermore, the spirit took him to the streets where they saw people were scraping off the snow from their houses. They were all filled with joy, exchanging facetious snowballs. The shops were also open. They also saw people in church, wearing their best clothes. People were also bringing dinner to the Bakers house. The spirit and Scrooge then started talking and went to Bob's house. Bob and his family were not rich but they were still joyful. They didn't have the finest meal but they sure were happy to have each other. For this Christmas, Bob's daughter Martha had come to visit them. We also "meet" Tim, who is cripple and might die. Scrooge saw them enjoy dinner even though they didn't have much. At the end, Bob proposed a merry Christmas to everyone and its the first time Scrooge really talks. He asked the ghost if Little Tim would survive but the Spirit said it wouldn't be likely. Then Bob started to talk about Scrooge and how he had paid for the meal and his wife got mad.
In my opinion Scrooge will change a lot just by seeing this scene. He probably already realized that Bob needs to get paid more because he has a big family and because Little Tim is in danger of dying and Bob needs the money. He saw that the people around him were very happy even if they didn't have much but him, who was wealthy was never happy. He is very likely to go help Bob's family with financial problems and with Little Tim. Little Tim also probably showed him that even in the bad moments you can be happy, Tim can die but he is still joyful and happy about Christmas. Scrooge is getting closer to changing his ways. He is slowly realizing that money doesn't buy happiness and that he has to change for his own good. I believe that in the morning he will go visit Bob and his family or after he meets the ghost of Christmas past.
In my opinion Scrooge will change a lot just by seeing this scene. He probably already realized that Bob needs to get paid more because he has a big family and because Little Tim is in danger of dying and Bob needs the money. He saw that the people around him were very happy even if they didn't have much but him, who was wealthy was never happy. He is very likely to go help Bob's family with financial problems and with Little Tim. Little Tim also probably showed him that even in the bad moments you can be happy, Tim can die but he is still joyful and happy about Christmas. Scrooge is getting closer to changing his ways. He is slowly realizing that money doesn't buy happiness and that he has to change for his own good. I believe that in the morning he will go visit Bob and his family or after he meets the ghost of Christmas past.
Stave Three So Far
In stave three we read that Scrooge wakes up in the middle of the night, and the clock has struck one in the morning, Scrooge was waiting for a spirit or figure to appear in front of his face. Scrooge's old scared face then waited for five to ten minutes, waiting for a figure to appear right in front of him, nothing came. Scrooge then goes to another room, and hears a voice to tell him to go inside the room, so did the command, when Scrooge went in, the room is described, that the walls and ceilings were hung. The room was looking really bright, and a happy place that people on the day of Christmas would have. The ghost of Christmas present has appeared, and it then is sitting on the couch, the ghost of Christmas present was wearing a green robe, and its feet was bare, and he had a wreath on top of his head. The ghost had curly brown hair, Scrooge ask the ghost if it had a lot of brothers, and it says that it has plenty of brothers, and by that he means that he has more that eighteen hundred of brothers. Scrooge starts to things to the ghost about some things, in the next scene Scrooge and the ghost go to Bob Cratchit's home. Bob Cratchit is in poverty, and has children, even though they are in poverty, they still tend to be happy together. In the scene, Tin Tim gets in the door, and tells everyone that Martha would not be joining them for Christmas, this is because Martha does not like to see Bob sad because he is in poverty. Scrooge then asks the ghost if Tiny Tin will die, the ghost says back that he will die if everything in the present is the same. In the same scene, Bob Cratchit then makes a toast to Scrooge, for he to provide them, Bob's wife disagrees with him because Scrooge is a man with no feelings, to help the people that are in poverty.
I think that the ghost of Christmas present, will convince Scrooge more, that he will change himself, and save himself from going you know where. At first I thought that the ghost of Christmas present was going to show Scrooge something worse than than, when the ghost of Christmas past had shown Scrooge his past, and how he had no friends. In my opinion, I think that all of the ghost so far, are really trying to make Scrooge change, in his attitude towards the others, and how he was treating them really bad. Scrooge will for sure think about this, and how Bob needs money to help his son Tiny Tim, so he could live . I also like how the ghost of Christmas present was dressed up, and how he was sitting on the couch, when he had appeared to Scrooge.
I think that the ghost of Christmas present, will convince Scrooge more, that he will change himself, and save himself from going you know where. At first I thought that the ghost of Christmas present was going to show Scrooge something worse than than, when the ghost of Christmas past had shown Scrooge his past, and how he had no friends. In my opinion, I think that all of the ghost so far, are really trying to make Scrooge change, in his attitude towards the others, and how he was treating them really bad. Scrooge will for sure think about this, and how Bob needs money to help his son Tiny Tim, so he could live . I also like how the ghost of Christmas present was dressed up, and how he was sitting on the couch, when he had appeared to Scrooge.
The Ghost of Christmas Present
The stave starts off with Scrooge getting worried because the ghost had not came after the clock struck one. About fifteen minutes later the spirit came and told Scrooge to come in. His room changed to look more jolly and happy. The spirit was giant and had a green robe with long hair. He was also barefooted and his tone of his voice gave off a jolly and happy feeling. Scrooge knew what the ghost came for so he told the spirit to show him what he needed to see. Scrooge held on to the spirits robe and everything changed. Scrooge was shown the environment for the next few pages and finally he met Bob Cratchit and his family. The Cratchits are a big family consisting of about six children. Martha wanted to prank Bob that she wasn't coming home for Christmas but she didn't want Bob to be sd so she did not prank him. Everyone then got ready for Christmas and prepared all of the food. The food wasn't the best quality but the family was really grateful for what they have and they made a toast to Scrooge and thanked him that it was all possible because of him. Scrooge saw Tint Tim and the spirit asked if he is going to live and Scrooge begged the spirit to let Tiny Tim live. The spirit then responded words that made Scrooge feel terrible, he told Scrooge that Tiny Tim better hurry up and die to decrease the surplus population. This made Scrooge feel very guilty and it was his own words that came to bite him back. Bob was grateful of what they had but his wife disagreed saying that Scrooge is a terrible man and he would rather let a whole family starve to death. Scrooge again felt a lot of guilt and understood Bobs pain as well as the family. The spirit the said that the Cratchit family may to be rich but they have each other unlike Scrooge.
I feel bad for the Cratchit family because they get so little while Scrooge is laying back saying that he would rather let someone die so that the population would decrease. The Cratchit family dont have a lot themselves but they have each other. They have happiness and love for each other and Scrooge doesn't have any of those which is more important then wealth. I think that this is a big step and change for Scrooge because it shows him other peoples lives and how he can help to change them. He feels a lot of guilt during these scenes and it is a big and important step for him to change. Seeing the scenes he might spend more time with those in poverty and hopefully he will change to help Tiny Tim who is going to die soon without a doctor, but the Cratchit family cant afford one so it is up to Scrooge to change that problem. The scene Scrooge just experienced will change his view on the poor and help those in need. What got Scrooge the most in the chapter was when the spirit was taunting him with his own words that Tim should die fast so that the surplus population will decrease. I think that Scrooge regret everything he said back then.
I feel bad for the Cratchit family because they get so little while Scrooge is laying back saying that he would rather let someone die so that the population would decrease. The Cratchit family dont have a lot themselves but they have each other. They have happiness and love for each other and Scrooge doesn't have any of those which is more important then wealth. I think that this is a big step and change for Scrooge because it shows him other peoples lives and how he can help to change them. He feels a lot of guilt during these scenes and it is a big and important step for him to change. Seeing the scenes he might spend more time with those in poverty and hopefully he will change to help Tiny Tim who is going to die soon without a doctor, but the Cratchit family cant afford one so it is up to Scrooge to change that problem. The scene Scrooge just experienced will change his view on the poor and help those in need. What got Scrooge the most in the chapter was when the spirit was taunting him with his own words that Tim should die fast so that the surplus population will decrease. I think that Scrooge regret everything he said back then.

Change for Tiny Tim
In Stave three, Scrooge woke up in the middle of the night, he wished not to be taken by surprised by the spirit that was coming next. Scrooge put on his slippers and walked to the door, as his hand touched the knob he heard a voice call his name. Scrooge was in his own room but the walls and ceilings were different. There were turkey, geese, game, poultry, brawn, etc on some kind of throne. The ghost told scrooge to come in, the ghost called himself "The Ghost of Christmas Present." He was wearing a dark green robe bordered with white fur, he chest was bare and so was his feet, he wore a holy wrench with icicles on his head, and had long brown curly hair. The spirit took Scrooge all around the city and showed him what was going on in shops and bakeries. Until the spirit took scrooge to Bob Cratchit's house. The Cratchit's were still setting up their christmas feast, when Bob and Tiny Tim came home Bob asked as to where Martha was. His wife said that she wouldn't be coming, until Martha came out of hiding from the closet and surprised Bob. The Cratchit's had for christmas goose and pudding for dessert, they didn't have lots because of how poor they are. The Cratchits were happy and grateful for whatever they got, they were enjoying themselves and with each other.
Bob's wife when Bob made the toast for Scrooge |
ACC Stave Three So Far
Scrooge is back in his bed, and wakes up when the clock tolled One. He didn't want to be surprised when the next Ghost came, so he opened his curtains. Dickens goes on to describe how Scrooge was feeling. Fifteen minutes after the clock tolled One, the spirit still hadn't came, and Scrooge was really scared and nervous the whole time, and then he goes to the room next to the bedroom to see where the ghostly light is coming from, heard a strange voice tell him to come in, and he did. It was still his room, but there were changes like the walls and the ceiling were hung with holly, mistletoe, and ivy, and then there was turkeys, geese, game, poultry, joints of meat, and then a whole lot more things. Basically the room looked happy and bright, contrary to how dull, dreary, and dark it looks on a more daily basis. The Ghost of Christmas Present sat on the couch. He's giant, and he's holding a glowing torch, shaped like Plenty's horn/cornucopia. He's wearing a green robe, his feet are bare, he wore a holly wreath on his head, has long dark brown curly hair, and has sparkling eyes and cheery voice. Scrooge asks the Ghost if he had many brothers, and the Ghost replies more than eighteen hundred. Dickens goes on to describe how they were transported to the next scene, and what their surroundings looked like and what people were doing, which went on for about another 2 pages. Scrooge starts criticizing the Ghost about some stuff, the Ghost responds, and then they continue on to Bob's home. The Cratchits have like six kids: Martha, Belinda, Master Peter, another boy and girl, and Tiny Tim. Martha came home from the milliner's and they tried pranking Bob when he and Tiny Tim came home that Martha wasn't coming home for Christmas, but then Martha didn't like seeing her dad sad. They all pitched into getting ready for their Christmas dinner. Scrooge asks the Ghost if Tiny Tim will live, and the Ghost responds that he's going to die if everything in the present stays the same, and asks Scrooge why does he care? Better hurry up and decrease the population, and Scrooge is ashamed to hear his own words. Bob and his wife have an argument about Scrooge; Bob saying how Scrooge is the one providing for them, Mrs. Cratchit saying that Scrooge is an unfeeling man who'd rather they starve, and even the children are aware what a man Scrooge is. The family then starts talking about Master Peter and Martha. They're described as not a handsome family, but they're happy and love each other.
The Ghost of Christmas Present kind of made me think of a Victorian-Era young Santa Claus wearing green because he's happy and cheerful and he made Scrooge's room look all bright and full of life and stuff, when usually it's sad and dark. I thought about the differences between the Ghost of Christmas Past and Present, how Christmas Past was all white and stuff and it just straight up came into Scrooge's room and scared him, whereas Christmas Present made the room look all bright and and happy, decorating the walls with Christmas plants like holly and stuff and basically he's kinda like how we think of Christmas today, hence he's the Ghost of Christmas Present, I guess. I thought it was sad how even the kids knew how little Scrooge pays Bob and how miserable he is and all. Just the mention of Scrooge's name made the family's mood go from Christmas-y and happy to dark for a full five minutes. I'm also kind of wondering what Scrooge and the Ghost were talking about earlier, when Scrooge was criticizing the Ghost about some stuff and the Ghost was responding, "I!", I'm just wondering what Scrooge was talking about. It was kind of funny in a sad, dark way how Scrooge doesn't want Tiny Tim to die, but the Ghost says if nothing in the present changes, he's going to die, and then Scrooge's own words come back to bite him.
The Ghost of Christmas Present kind of made me think of a Victorian-Era young Santa Claus wearing green because he's happy and cheerful and he made Scrooge's room look all bright and full of life and stuff, when usually it's sad and dark. I thought about the differences between the Ghost of Christmas Past and Present, how Christmas Past was all white and stuff and it just straight up came into Scrooge's room and scared him, whereas Christmas Present made the room look all bright and and happy, decorating the walls with Christmas plants like holly and stuff and basically he's kinda like how we think of Christmas today, hence he's the Ghost of Christmas Present, I guess. I thought it was sad how even the kids knew how little Scrooge pays Bob and how miserable he is and all. Just the mention of Scrooge's name made the family's mood go from Christmas-y and happy to dark for a full five minutes. I'm also kind of wondering what Scrooge and the Ghost were talking about earlier, when Scrooge was criticizing the Ghost about some stuff and the Ghost was responding, "I!", I'm just wondering what Scrooge was talking about. It was kind of funny in a sad, dark way how Scrooge doesn't want Tiny Tim to die, but the Ghost says if nothing in the present changes, he's going to die, and then Scrooge's own words come back to bite him.
Stave Three
This chapter starts with Scrooge waiting in bed hoping to not get caught off guard by the next ghost and stay calm, but that plan went bad as he even though he tried to prepare for his coming he ended up getting scared. He talks to the ghost before the ghost starts showing him Christmas's happening currently. He shows him how every single person in the town is so jolly even playfully throwing snowballs at each other. He shows him how almost nothing could ruin their Christmas and how much they enjoy themselves. Then he shows him Bob Cracheit who is out getting Tiny Tim as his mother hides and the kids tell him she couldn't come home this Christmas. This caused grief however little in Bob immediately making his wife show herself. They are all talking and having the most fun with the children. Then they get to the meal and starting eating it quickly to the point where Bob's wife goes upstairs to get the pudding. They finish that to, until finally Bob asks them to make a half circle around the hearth. They do this and they start praying for each other and everyone. Bob even prays for Scrooge to which causes a sour taste in his wife's mouth having a few choice comments to make about him. This managed to dampen the mood of an amazing Christmas, for only five minutes however. Scrooge after contemplating the spirits asks why they do evil things to which the spirit is agast and realizes he means those who speak for the spirit's name, and the spirit says they are false to him and will suffer later, but not after scaring Scrooge by the spirits reaction. As they are about to leave Scrooge pleadingly asks the spirit of Tim will live to which he says if nothing changes implying they need money to save him, then he will die. Scrooge begs him to tell him otherwise and tells him why not it would decrease the surplus population using his own words against him really stinging Scrooge. Then they leave with the last shadow being Tim's.
This chapter is an interesting one especially with the appearance of the Ghost of Christmas Presence. His appearance seems to be almost in direct contrast to the ghost before him. While the ghost before him looked to some extent pretty diferent from him. Where as the Ghost of Christmas Past entered in a much scarier tone and seemed a little condemning to Scrooge's actions which sometimes happens with regret, but the Ghost of Christmas Past is extremely jovial and even all the plants that follow him are especially green and the joyful farm animals to in his first appearance. He seems to be nice to everyone even Scrooge and only shows Scrooge the present and answering his questions, where as the whole point of the other ghost was to cause grief and regret in Scrooge causing though being really helpful in getting him to realize there is a problem. Though another point similar to this is that the Ghost of Christmas Present was so nice and jovial compared to Scrooge that it made him feel a tremendous amount of guilt to where for a while he couldn't look him in the eye. The ghost before's main point was to cause regret a very strong emotion with the hope of changing Scrooge. The ghost now still trying to change Scrooge is doing it in a different way, because now that Scrooge knows there is a problem the ghost is trying to use though I am a little unsure I think he is trying to use condemnation though it will probably be something else and we will just have to continue reading to find out.
This chapter is an interesting one especially with the appearance of the Ghost of Christmas Presence. His appearance seems to be almost in direct contrast to the ghost before him. While the ghost before him looked to some extent pretty diferent from him. Where as the Ghost of Christmas Past entered in a much scarier tone and seemed a little condemning to Scrooge's actions which sometimes happens with regret, but the Ghost of Christmas Past is extremely jovial and even all the plants that follow him are especially green and the joyful farm animals to in his first appearance. He seems to be nice to everyone even Scrooge and only shows Scrooge the present and answering his questions, where as the whole point of the other ghost was to cause grief and regret in Scrooge causing though being really helpful in getting him to realize there is a problem. Though another point similar to this is that the Ghost of Christmas Present was so nice and jovial compared to Scrooge that it made him feel a tremendous amount of guilt to where for a while he couldn't look him in the eye. The ghost before's main point was to cause regret a very strong emotion with the hope of changing Scrooge. The ghost now still trying to change Scrooge is doing it in a different way, because now that Scrooge knows there is a problem the ghost is trying to use though I am a little unsure I think he is trying to use condemnation though it will probably be something else and we will just have to continue reading to find out.
The Beginning of Stave Three
In Stave three, we are introduced to the Ghost of Christmas Present. The Ghost was giant, and was wearing a simple robe and had a holly wreath on his head. The Ghost was in a room that was filled with different types of food. Scrooge enters and the Ghost tells Scrooge to touch his robe and the Spirit takes Scrooge somewhere else. The Ghost takes Scrooge to the city to see how other people, most of them in poverty, celebrate their Christmas. The Ghost shows Scrooge different scenes that are happening in the city, and he then leads Scrooge to Bob Cratchit's house, where they are having dinner. Scrooge meets Bob's family and he realizes how poor they are. Scrooge also meets Tiny Tim, Bob's son, who is crippled and uses crutches. We can tell that Scrooge becomes worried about Tiny Tim because later on Scrooge asks the Spirit if Tiny Tim will live, but the Spirit says that if things remain as they are, then Tiny Tim will die.
When the Spirit takes Scrooge to the Cratchit's house, we see how poor they are. I feel bad for them since they are in poverty and probably don't have enough to pay for a doctor for Tiny Tim. However, even though they are in poverty, they are very happy as a family. It makes me happy to see that the Cratchit family are laughing and smiling even though they are in poverty. We also see that in this part of the book, Scrooge starts to change his selfish attitude. Scrooge asks if Tiny Tim will be okay. This is a big change for Scrooge because Scrooge is considered a selfish man who only thinks of himself and no one else, but now we see that he is caring for someone else, Tiny Tim. This shows us that Scrooge is changing his ways and actually starting to care for people. Scrooge now might even be willing to pay Bob Cratchit more money to help him, which would be a big change for Scrooge considering that Scrooge likes to hoard all his money. Seeing this may also cause Scrooge to want to spend more time with his nephew, Fred, since Scrooge is seeing how happy a family can be, even in poverty. I feel glad and happy that Scrooge is starting to change how he acts because by changing his ways, he will change his fate, and he will become happier himself.
When the Spirit takes Scrooge to the Cratchit's house, we see how poor they are. I feel bad for them since they are in poverty and probably don't have enough to pay for a doctor for Tiny Tim. However, even though they are in poverty, they are very happy as a family. It makes me happy to see that the Cratchit family are laughing and smiling even though they are in poverty. We also see that in this part of the book, Scrooge starts to change his selfish attitude. Scrooge asks if Tiny Tim will be okay. This is a big change for Scrooge because Scrooge is considered a selfish man who only thinks of himself and no one else, but now we see that he is caring for someone else, Tiny Tim. This shows us that Scrooge is changing his ways and actually starting to care for people. Scrooge now might even be willing to pay Bob Cratchit more money to help him, which would be a big change for Scrooge considering that Scrooge likes to hoard all his money. Seeing this may also cause Scrooge to want to spend more time with his nephew, Fred, since Scrooge is seeing how happy a family can be, even in poverty. I feel glad and happy that Scrooge is starting to change how he acts because by changing his ways, he will change his fate, and he will become happier himself.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
A Christmas Dinner
In stave three of A Christmas Carol to where Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas of Present leaves the Cratchit family's house, Scrooge starts to realize more of how his current life and attitude affects others around him and overall affects his own life/future. When the Ghost of Christmas Present came to visit Scrooge, Scrooge asked the Ghost of Christmas Present to do whatever it needs to to change him since Scrooge has started to change since he went with the Ghost of Christmas Past to the moments in his past which made him feel a lot of regret. This shows that even after one spirit, Scrooge is already seeing the reality, and he wants and is willing to change himself. However, Scrooge will need all three ghosts, the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Future, in order to change completely. With this, the Ghost of Christmas Present takes Scrooge to a moment in the present that will help him change. The main event that the Ghost of Christmas Present takes Scrooge to is the Cratchit Family's Christmas Dinner. Here, Scrooge learns and realizes many things such as how it was awful when he said that people dying would help decrease the surplus population, and he also learned an important lesson that happiness in the end, is better than wealth.
When the Ghost of Christmas Present and Scrooge went to the Cratchit Family's house, the Cratchit family was preparing for their Christmas dinner. Martha had come home to surprise the family, and Bob had come home with Tiny Tim. That night, they had a goose for their Christmas dinner followed by pudding made by Mrs. Cratchit. Yes, the Cratchit family does not have much and is in poverty, and everything that they own may not be as big or as good of quality than what Scrooge may have. However, one thing that the Cratchit family has that may be worth more than whatever Scrooge may have is happiness. Just by reading the scene where the Cratchit family has their Christmas dinner, it is clear that they all love and cherish one another, and they are overall very happy and joyful to have each other around. The Cratchit family finds the positives in what they have, and even though they may not have much, they have each other, and that is all that really matters at the end of the day.
While watching the Cratchit family dinner with the Ghost of Christmas Present, Scrooge asks the Ghost of Christmas Present about Tiny Tim and if he will live. However, the spirit replied saying that if things stay the same as they are right now, then Tiny Tim will die and decrease the surplus population like how Scrooge had wanted earlier. However, after realizing the reality of his wish, Scrooge didn't want Tiny Tim to die. Again, this is out of Scrooge's usual behavior as Scrooge is usually very selfish and does not care about others. However, now we are seeing a different side of Scrooge that cares about others and is now feeling sympathetic. This again, is a good sign that Scrooge may be turning around his life for a better future. In the end, Scrooge starts to care for others, feel a lot of sympathy, and see how his life and attitude may be affecting others. He also leaves the Cratchit family with the lesson that happiness is more important than money or wealth, and the Cratchit family is a great example of that.
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Scrooge when the spirits take him to events and memories in his life |
Monday, January 28, 2019
The Cratchits' Christmas Dinner
After Scrooge had been left by the Ghost of Christmas Past, he had gone to sleep. When he had woken up, he waited until the clock struck one, but the second spirit didn't come, but after a considerable amount of time, he came. He wore a robe, and was jolly to the core. He showed Scrooge what others in London thought of him as a person. One such family were the Cratchits, whom Scrooge's clerk, Bob Cratchit, was from. He saw a delightful feast, with an aura of family in the air. Each member did their job either making the food, setting the table, or cleaning the dishes as preparation for the dinner. After the dinner, Bob raises a toast to Scrooge, the "Founder of the Feast." The other family members, especially Mrs. Cratchit, follow reluctantly, with disgust in mind. Mrs. Cratchit goes on a rant on how Scrooge has ruined their lives, and how she wants him to know how they feel about him. She wants Scrooge to be "happy and jolly" in his rich life.
This part of the stave is very important in the story. Scrooge is forced to step into other people's shoes to see how miserable their life is because of him. They are jolly and happy though, and even with no money, they still are. This proves that money doesn't bring happiness, the more personal, positive emotions do. Also, I appreciate Bob's forgiveness towards Scrooge. He may have been treated poorly at work, but he doesn't have hate for his boss because he wants to be a good father, as well as a forgiving figure without resentment for others. Also, the spirit, when Scrooge asks him about Tiny Tim's condition, says that he will die if Scrooge doesn't change. Also, he mocks Scrooge's sadness by stealing his line in Stave One, "If they want/were to die, they better do it quick, to decrease the surplus population." I think the spirit is trying to make Scrooge what London is with him at the top. He is hated by the city, and money can't pay for forgiveness. He is forced to step into other people's shoes, and I think that this new method of change is going to make Scrooge a better man.
This part of the stave is very important in the story. Scrooge is forced to step into other people's shoes to see how miserable their life is because of him. They are jolly and happy though, and even with no money, they still are. This proves that money doesn't bring happiness, the more personal, positive emotions do. Also, I appreciate Bob's forgiveness towards Scrooge. He may have been treated poorly at work, but he doesn't have hate for his boss because he wants to be a good father, as well as a forgiving figure without resentment for others. Also, the spirit, when Scrooge asks him about Tiny Tim's condition, says that he will die if Scrooge doesn't change. Also, he mocks Scrooge's sadness by stealing his line in Stave One, "If they want/were to die, they better do it quick, to decrease the surplus population." I think the spirit is trying to make Scrooge what London is with him at the top. He is hated by the city, and money can't pay for forgiveness. He is forced to step into other people's shoes, and I think that this new method of change is going to make Scrooge a better man.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
ACC Stave 2
From where I read Scrooge feel asleep thinking about one o'clock. He went to sleep around two When he woke up he thought a whole day has past. He was so worried that he went outside to check when he did there was no one in sight. Not a single child. He went to bed again and the only thing that was stuck in his had was the ghost of Jacob Marley. He remembered again that three spirits will visit him on a one o'clock The clock kept on changing until it was one of the morning. Then one light flashed up on a room upon the instants. Scrooge asked him if he was the spirit that was going to hunt him,and what spirit is he. The ghost answered and said that he was the ghost of christmas past. As the ghost was talking to him the sanero changed very quickly. The ghost asked him if he remembered the part of his past the ghost was showing him. He said he knew that from his heart they went inside a room where poor Scrooge was sitting and then his sister comes in who is younger than him. She keeps on telling him that he is going to go home once they grew up she died but gave light to Fred.
In my opinion this chapter was one of my favorites because it reminds Scrooge that he has family and that he is not alone. The spirit is also showing him how he was before money came to his life. Just one kid with a christmas spirit even though he did not have friends. I find it very funny that he thought he sleep over a whole day. Because everyone that I know can't do that. Why would scrooge not of made friends in school.
In my opinion this chapter was one of my favorites because it reminds Scrooge that he has family and that he is not alone. The spirit is also showing him how he was before money came to his life. Just one kid with a christmas spirit even though he did not have friends. I find it very funny that he thought he sleep over a whole day. Because everyone that I know can't do that. Why would scrooge not of made friends in school.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
ACC Stave Two
In Stave Two, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of Christmas Past. The ghost of Christmas Past looked like a child and an old man. It has a youthful face with no wrinkles, muscular arms, very delicate legs and feet, white hair, it is wearing a white tunic with a belt, and it is holding a branch of holly in its hand. The spirit has light shooting out of his head and that light is its life-force. The ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge to his past and is reminded of his childhood. The spirit is showing Scrooge his past to change him. The spirit is trying to use regret by him regretting mistakes that he made in the past that affects his present. Scrooge was very lonely as a child and was the only one left at boarding school over Christmas. Scrooge's father abused him, was negligent to him, and was hard on him. Scrooge did not have a good relationship with his family and his father didn't want him coming back home from boarding school. His only friends are characters from books. He has no friends and is not wanted by his family. The regret here is that he regrets not giving the boy caroler any money and turning him away and making him feel lonely. The spirit shows another scene of Christmas past and this scene is when Scrooge's sister, Fan, comes one Christmas to finally bring him home. She says that their father is nicer now and he said Scrooge can finally come home. Scrooge deeply loved Fan, but Fan died a young woman giving birth to Fred. Scrooge treats Fred horribly because of Fan's death. The regret in this would be that Scrooge regrets being mean to Fred and shunning him. Scrooge understands Fred has had it hard too and Scrooge needs to have a relationship with him.
Scrooge is a product of his past. He was neglected as a boy and was in poverty. He hates Christmas because he was left at boarding school during Christmas and had to spend time reading books. Scrooge is now learning that he should treat people nice because they have probably went through the same thing as Scrooge. Scrooge wants to be nice now and wants to change his ways. I feel bad for Scrooge when he was a kid because he was always neglected and his family didn't bring him back at Christmas. The only person who did not neglect Scrooge was Fan. Fan had to ask their dad to bring Scrooge back. This shows that Fan cared about Scrooge and Scrooge cared about her. They had a good relationship as children. Do you feel bad when Scrooge was neglected as a kid?
Scrooge is a product of his past. He was neglected as a boy and was in poverty. He hates Christmas because he was left at boarding school during Christmas and had to spend time reading books. Scrooge is now learning that he should treat people nice because they have probably went through the same thing as Scrooge. Scrooge wants to be nice now and wants to change his ways. I feel bad for Scrooge when he was a kid because he was always neglected and his family didn't bring him back at Christmas. The only person who did not neglect Scrooge was Fan. Fan had to ask their dad to bring Scrooge back. This shows that Fan cared about Scrooge and Scrooge cared about her. They had a good relationship as children. Do you feel bad when Scrooge was neglected as a kid?
ACC So Far
First thing we read in class is when the ghost stops at a warehouse and Scrooge was an apprentice their. Then Scrooge saw an old person with a welsh wig, and he was sitting behind a big desk, and then Scrooge knew who it was and it was Fezziwig. Then Scrooge young self went out and called his name and they did not have work that day because it was Christmas Eve and on Christmas Eve that would dance and celebrate, also Fezziwig was the best dancer there. Then more dancers came and also Mrs. Fezziwig. Then Mrs. Fezziwig and Mr. Fezziwig dance and they dance very good.
In my opinion I like how Fezziwig is nice, he likes to celebrate, and likes to dance. To me Fezziwig is the opposite of Scrooge now because Scrooge hates christmas and Fezziwigs loves Christmas, Fezziwig is nice to others and Scrooge is mean to others. I like Fezziwig, I think he's one of the nicest persons in the book, so he is my favorite character in the book so far. Scrooge loved Christmas back then because he had people to celebrate with him like his friends at work, not like the past when he was a lone. In my opinion, it looks like Scrooge like him a lot because when he saw him the first time he said nice things to him.
Scrooge's Past Life
We are currently just about half way through stave two. So far, Scrooge has been visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley, Scrooge's late buissiness partner. Marley is wearing a chain that reapresents his sins. Marley tells Scrooge that his chain was the same length seven years ago, but he has since labored on it and it is much longer. Marley tells Scrooge that he still has a chance to save himself if he changes his life and becomes a better person. Scrooge was told that he will be visited by three spirits, the ghost of Chirstmas past, the ghost of Christmas present, and the ghost of Christmas future. Each spirit will try to make Scrooge realize that he has to change his life.
The ghost of Christmas past is trying to use the emotion of regret to make Scrooge realize what he needs to change in his life. The ghost of Christmas past takes Scrooge back to when he was a boy at boarding school. Scrooge remembers how lonley his childhood was and how neglected he was. This make Scrooge reflect on his life now and it makes him regret not giving the caroler boy anything. The next scene that the spirit takes scrooge to is still at the boardig scholl, but later in his life. In this memory, his sister Fan appears at his school and tells him that father has agreed to let him come back home. Fan says that he is a much better person. We can assume that Scrooge's father was physically abusive to him, and Scrooge was neglected by his family. From seeing Fan, he regrets blabing Fred, his nephew and only remaining family for the death of his sister. Scrroge feels bad for treating Fred so badly for all these years and he realizes that he wants or needs to have a relationship with Fred.
Scrooge's past
In stave two the ghost form the past come to Scrooge, to change him. He tells Scrooge to come with him, they where going to jump out the window, but Scrooge couldnt fly so he was scared. The ghost said if Scrooge held his hand, then he would be able to fly as well. Scrooge did what was told by the ghost and soon enough they reached Scroog's past. Scrooge was at school as well as his classmates, Scrooge didnt have any friends so he didnt hang out with anyone the only friends he had where the characters in the story. Soon enough it was time to go home, every student and teacher has left to go home, and Scrooge was the only one there, no one but him. Everyone had a place to go, except Scrooge, his dad didnt let Scrooge come back for the holidays. Christmas is a time of joy, where families get together and have fun, they would luagh and be together, Scrooge never got this experence with his family, because it didnt seem like he had a family, it seemed that no one loved him other than his sister Fan. Scrooge was all alone in the classroom reading a book, he didnt have anywhere to go, so his only choice was to stay at school for the holidays. He later on then sees Fan, she was jumoing up and down, she was so happy Fan told Scrooge that his father wants him to come home for christmas, she also says that he has changed and is not mean anymore. Reading about Scrooge's past seems like he had a very sad and lonly childhood, he didnt have anyone to look up to he also seems sad all the time, never once happy in his childhood. He also seemed to be abused by his father, he had a very dificult childhood. When all the children and families are being happy he would be the oppisite, he would be mad, sad, grumpy ect. The reason he would have this emotions is because he doesnt enjoy seeing other people happy and people having fun, when he has nobody and is all alone. He wants people to fell the pain that he had when he was a child. Scrooge would not be like this, if he got all the love from his father when he was a child, it is pretty much his fathers fault for not careing about him and making Scrooge feel this way. Scrooge had misery as a child and seeing other people so happy made him want the people to also have misery, as well as he did. He dislikes christmas because christmas is a time of joy and love, he never got this experence because he was in misery, he was never loved by his father, and for this reason he hates christmas so much.
Stave Two So Far, A Christmas Carol
In stave two we meet the ghost of Christmas past, it takes Scrooge to all the christmas that he was alone. When the spirit arrived to Scrooge, it said that it would take him to his lonely past, when he was a child. When they get to the first scene, Scrooge is shown his childhood, he was very lonely. Since he was at boarding school, his father did not like him, and was abusive to Scrooge. Since his father did not like him, when it was Christmas, Scrooge was the only person at his boarding school, Scrooge saw himself sitting next to a fireplace reading a book. Scrooge tells the ghost that he remembers that the only friends that he had were the characters in his book. The ghost also shows Scrooge his home town, and Scrooge says that he remembered that place, and that he can walk the town blind folded because he knows it so well. The next thing that the spirit showed Scrooge was that he shows Scrooge his sister Fan, in this scene Fan came one christmas to the boarding school that Scrooge was living in, and tells Scrooge that his father has become nicer, because she convinced him for him to go back home. Scrooge deeply loved fan, but Scrooge dislikes her son because Fan died due to giving birth to Frank, which is also Scrooge's nephew. Scrooge seems to blame Fred for Fan's death, that is why he really dislikes him, and does nothing to do with him. The ghost then takes Scrooge to Mr. Fezziwig, Scrooge says that he Mr. Fezziwig's apprentice, because Mr. Fezziwig was teaching him how to work with money, so that would mean that Scrooge was an accountant, and he would open his own work place to count the money.
I think that Scrooge has a really sad and lonely past, this is why he is probably always mean to everyone, and he hates Christmas. Now that he regrets everything that the spirit has showed him, Scrooge will change his way of how he acts to people. I think that Scrooge just need some time to think of the actions he had done earlier, for example how he closed the door on a christmas caroler. Scrooge know regrets doing that because he knows that the caroler was probably lonely like Scrooge, when he was a child. Scrooge now wished that he at least would have gave the Christmas Caroler some money to him. Eventually, Scrooge will come to his senses, and think about what he has done, and become a better person.
I think that Scrooge has a really sad and lonely past, this is why he is probably always mean to everyone, and he hates Christmas. Now that he regrets everything that the spirit has showed him, Scrooge will change his way of how he acts to people. I think that Scrooge just need some time to think of the actions he had done earlier, for example how he closed the door on a christmas caroler. Scrooge know regrets doing that because he knows that the caroler was probably lonely like Scrooge, when he was a child. Scrooge now wished that he at least would have gave the Christmas Caroler some money to him. Eventually, Scrooge will come to his senses, and think about what he has done, and become a better person.
Sam Stave 2 of Christmas Carol
In the beginning of the stave, scrooge wakes up in bed, into a new night, and it is 12 o'clock, and he is in disbelief that he slept through an entire day. He waited an hour to see if the ghost would appear just like marley said it would, he then sighed in relief believing that, the ghost is not coming, just as he thought that his curtains were pulled aside, and there stood before him the ghost of christmas past. Scrooge then described him as looking young, and old at the same time because he was, without a wrinkle, his arms were muscular, and his legs were smooth, but he had white hair. The ghost told him that they were going to go, and see his past, they wen't, and the ghost only showed him scrooge's past during christmas. The first memory he showed him was when he was at school, and stayed at school for christmas, because his family neglected him, and didn't want him, so during his childhood he was very lonely, and his only friends were the characters from his books, when he showed him this scrooge felt bad that he didn't help the caroler, because he must of felt the same way as he must of felt, when he was a boy. The next memory the ghost showed, scrooge was when on christmas, his sister fan came to the school to pick him up so that they could go home for christmas, then scrooge talked to the ghost how she died a very young woman. The next memory that the ghost showed scrooge was when he was a young adult and how he was an apprentice to a man named Mr. Fezziwig, and he was super joyful during christmas, and he invited tons of people to christmas, and they were all dancing, and having fun, and how Mr. Fezziwig made a cut which is a very hard dance move especially at his age 40-50.
My thoughts
Now since I know more about scrooge's past I am starting to realize why he is such a mean person, all his life he has been lonely, and been treated bad by his family. I wonder who would leave their son/daughter, alone on christmas I honestly will despise a person that would do this, how bad of a person do you have to be to leave your kid at school in christmas to be all alone. Also I wonder what is different for the other ghosts because, since some things are really hard to do in a play I wonder what else the book did, but the play didn't do. I am still not sure what a cut dance move is because during class Mr. Boyle only said it was a split move, and I would see myself dislocating both of my legs, if I ever tried to do the splits. It is sad that scrooge could not make any friends during his childhood, I have friends, and for me making friends is really easy for me, I wonder why the kids at school would not be his friend.
In the beginning of the stave, scrooge wakes up in bed, into a new night, and it is 12 o'clock, and he is in disbelief that he slept through an entire day. He waited an hour to see if the ghost would appear just like marley said it would, he then sighed in relief believing that, the ghost is not coming, just as he thought that his curtains were pulled aside, and there stood before him the ghost of christmas past. Scrooge then described him as looking young, and old at the same time because he was, without a wrinkle, his arms were muscular, and his legs were smooth, but he had white hair. The ghost told him that they were going to go, and see his past, they wen't, and the ghost only showed him scrooge's past during christmas. The first memory he showed him was when he was at school, and stayed at school for christmas, because his family neglected him, and didn't want him, so during his childhood he was very lonely, and his only friends were the characters from his books, when he showed him this scrooge felt bad that he didn't help the caroler, because he must of felt the same way as he must of felt, when he was a boy. The next memory the ghost showed, scrooge was when on christmas, his sister fan came to the school to pick him up so that they could go home for christmas, then scrooge talked to the ghost how she died a very young woman. The next memory that the ghost showed scrooge was when he was a young adult and how he was an apprentice to a man named Mr. Fezziwig, and he was super joyful during christmas, and he invited tons of people to christmas, and they were all dancing, and having fun, and how Mr. Fezziwig made a cut which is a very hard dance move especially at his age 40-50.
Now since I know more about scrooge's past I am starting to realize why he is such a mean person, all his life he has been lonely, and been treated bad by his family. I wonder who would leave their son/daughter, alone on christmas I honestly will despise a person that would do this, how bad of a person do you have to be to leave your kid at school in christmas to be all alone. Also I wonder what is different for the other ghosts because, since some things are really hard to do in a play I wonder what else the book did, but the play didn't do. I am still not sure what a cut dance move is because during class Mr. Boyle only said it was a split move, and I would see myself dislocating both of my legs, if I ever tried to do the splits. It is sad that scrooge could not make any friends during his childhood, I have friends, and for me making friends is really easy for me, I wonder why the kids at school would not be his friend.
ACC Post
So far in stave two, Scrooge was visited by another spirit. He is visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past. This spirit is using regret to make Scrooge change his ways. The Ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge through old memories that had took place on old christmases. He's taken back to his childhood, where he was neglected by his father and very lonely like he is now. He is reminded of this little boy caroler that had shown at his door. He regrets treating the child like that because he must've felt like how Scrooge felt as a young child. He is also reminded of Fan. Fan was his sister who had died giving birth to his nephew, Fred. Fred is Scrooge's living reminder of the death of his sister, and Scrooge blames him for the death of his sister. Now, Scrooge is regretting why he treats Fred the way he does. Fred is his only living family member and realizes that he has had a bad life. The Ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge to when he was an apprentice, alongside Dick Wilkins, to Fezziwig, the man who had gotten Scrooge into accounting. Fezziwig was a jolly fellow, and he allowed Scrooge to not work on Christmas or Christmas Eve because they would party. Fezziwig would dance with Mrs. Fezziwig. Scrooge described Fezziwig as the best dancer.
So far, I think that Scrooge is beginning to learn his lesson about being the way he is. We see that Scrooge is happy to remember the happier days in his childhood. He had family and he did not hate the holidays as he does now. I like how the spirit is using the feeling of remorse and regret to change Scrooge's mind. Regret is a strong emotion. Since Scrooge is a "product of his past", more things would've happened to make him this way. We see that Fezziwig is a happy and jolly man, who had the same occupation as Scrooge. Scrooge was even happy to see Fezziwig alive and dancing again. Yet, Scrooge is not as happy as he is, and he doesn't treat his workers the same. This interests me. How do you feel about this? Do you think Scrooge is just beginning to change, or the change has not even started?
So far, I think that Scrooge is beginning to learn his lesson about being the way he is. We see that Scrooge is happy to remember the happier days in his childhood. He had family and he did not hate the holidays as he does now. I like how the spirit is using the feeling of remorse and regret to change Scrooge's mind. Regret is a strong emotion. Since Scrooge is a "product of his past", more things would've happened to make him this way. We see that Fezziwig is a happy and jolly man, who had the same occupation as Scrooge. Scrooge was even happy to see Fezziwig alive and dancing again. Yet, Scrooge is not as happy as he is, and he doesn't treat his workers the same. This interests me. How do you feel about this? Do you think Scrooge is just beginning to change, or the change has not even started?
ACC Blog Post
In Stave Two so far, Scrooge has now met the Ghost of Christmas Past, who has shown him his childhood, how lonely and neglected he was as a child and felt as if characters from books were his friends, how deeply he loved his sister, Fan, and the Ghost and Scrooge talk a little about how big of a heart she had, and her only child, Fred, is Scrooge's only living family left, whom he blames for Fan's death. He realizes that Fred has had it rough too, yet he's still happy, and how Scrooge needs to start having a relationship with his nephew. We read more in class today. They left the Christmas with young Scrooge and Fan and come to a Christmas when Scrooge was a young man, an apprentice for Fezziwig. Fezziwig had been old, round, and happy. He calls for Scrooge's former self and the other apprentice, Dick Wilkins, to have the shutters up and no more work that night because it was Christmas Eve. They cleared the floor for dancing, and then a lot of people came in. The fiddler, Mrs. Fezziwig, the three Miss Fezziwigs, six young followers, all the young men and women employed in the business, the housemaid, the baker, the milkman, and the boy from over the way came in. There was a lot of dancing, there were forfeits, more dancing, cake, negus, and a great piece of cold roast, great piece of cold boiled, mice-pies, and plenty of beer. Dickens goes on to describe how Mr. Fezziwig is the best dancer around, and only Mrs. Fezziwig was worthy to be his partner. Mr. Fezziwig is such a great dancer that he can jump, do the splits, and come up on his feet without a stagger.
What we read here today in class must have been a really happy moment in Scrooge's life. We are a product of our past, so besides Scrooge's childhood, what else happened between this moment and the present that led to Scrooge now being so miserable and alone? Another thing is that Scrooge was an apprentice under Fezziwig, who was an accountant, but he's a completely different kind of accountant than Scrooge and Marley are based on what we read in class about him today. He's round, he's jovial and happy, he celebrates Christmas with loved ones, he and his wife are old together; basically the opposite of Scrooge in the present. The Scrooge we know in the present is miserable and alone, despises Christmas, and has no family except for Fred. Everybody seemed to love Fezziwig, and everyone seems to not want to be around Scrooge. I think in a way, it's strange and funny or something how they're both accountants, but they're entirely different people, and Fezziwig seemed to have no thought as to if he might fall into poverty, but Scrooge is sitting on a pile of gold and lives a very frugal life. I don't know, this is just my thoughts on comparing Fezziwig and Scrooge, y'all are entitled to your own opinions.
What we read here today in class must have been a really happy moment in Scrooge's life. We are a product of our past, so besides Scrooge's childhood, what else happened between this moment and the present that led to Scrooge now being so miserable and alone? Another thing is that Scrooge was an apprentice under Fezziwig, who was an accountant, but he's a completely different kind of accountant than Scrooge and Marley are based on what we read in class about him today. He's round, he's jovial and happy, he celebrates Christmas with loved ones, he and his wife are old together; basically the opposite of Scrooge in the present. The Scrooge we know in the present is miserable and alone, despises Christmas, and has no family except for Fred. Everybody seemed to love Fezziwig, and everyone seems to not want to be around Scrooge. I think in a way, it's strange and funny or something how they're both accountants, but they're entirely different people, and Fezziwig seemed to have no thought as to if he might fall into poverty, but Scrooge is sitting on a pile of gold and lives a very frugal life. I don't know, this is just my thoughts on comparing Fezziwig and Scrooge, y'all are entitled to your own opinions.
My Sister Fan....
I am a mortal |
Scrooge has a good reason as to why he treats Fred terribly. Scrooge lost his dear sister, that he loved very much and who always worried about him. I couldn't imagine such tragedy happening to one of my family member, if something like that happened. Especially if she was the only one that actually cared about Scrooge. However, Fred is the creation of Fan's (and his father). She must have wanted him to survive rather than herself because of that Scrooge should love Fred. Scrooge should see that it's a good thing that Fred reminds him of Fan. Do you agree? Do you disagree? What do you think?
Christmas Past
We have just met the second ghost that Scrooge will meet. The ghost of Christmas Past. When we first meet the ghost Charles Dickens makes a large point about the way that the ghost looks. He says that the ghost looks old but young at the same time. This was easy for me to see in my mind. Dickens says that the ghost has smooth skin but has gray hair.
The one thing about Dickens description that was hard for me to picture was the light source coming from the ghost’s head. I never knew that this was apart of the description of the ghost of Christmas Past. This was obviously not apart of the play but even in movies that I have seen of this book the ghost was never shown like this. The ghost of Christmas Past was shown as similar to what Santa would look like but with a red beard instead. In one movie that I have seen shows the ghost as a candle which I never understood until now. I also understand why the ghost would be holding a torch in one of his hands.
Everything else so far in the book has been accurate to the movies and plays I have seen of the book. The only difference is that we get more information in the book about things like the setting and characters emotions. As we continue to read I wonder if we will get to hear more from a female character. So far the only female character has been Fan and we barely get to hear from her. She simply says that her father has changed and will allow Scrooge to come home. Later in the book I’m look forward to hear from Scrooge's fiance and to find out about their relationship.
A Christmas Carol Blog Post
In the part of Stave two that we read, the spirit of Christmas past visits. He describes the ghost as being childlike but also old, he had no wrinkles and a youthful face but he had old white hair. The spirit shows him his past. Every scene is around christmas time, when he was at boarding school he was lonely at christmas because his parents didn't come to bring him home. With every scene the spirit shows Scrooge regrets something like helping the boy who was caroling earlier he knows what it's like to be in his position. Even bigger though, he regrets not treating Fan's son better. He always shuts Fred down and hates how he is cheery because Scrooge is so miserable and gloomy he doesn't like other people who are joyful which is why he's especially grumpy during the holidays, there is Christmas cheer everywhere.
Charles Dickinson is very descriptive when writing his novels. He takes long paragraphs just to describe things that other authors may just take one short, brief paragraph to do. When he describes the spirit, he is describing a lot of contradicting things. Scrooge must have gotten used to be alone and it might've been hard for him to adjust to having people in his life, for his whole childhood he was alone and maybe that's why he isn't good at supporting relationships now. We can also conclude that Scrooges father was abusive when Fan has to convinve him to come back home. This was more acceptable, to beat children for diclspline, but this took a toll on Scrooge. This is a key example of Scrooge being a product of his past. Scrooge also misses his sister Fan a lot and seeing Fred just reminds him of her death which is hard for him, he also internally blames Fred for her death and may be why he is so cold. In that time the chances of the mother of a baby dying was much higher than it is today.
Charles Dickinson is very descriptive when writing his novels. He takes long paragraphs just to describe things that other authors may just take one short, brief paragraph to do. When he describes the spirit, he is describing a lot of contradicting things. Scrooge must have gotten used to be alone and it might've been hard for him to adjust to having people in his life, for his whole childhood he was alone and maybe that's why he isn't good at supporting relationships now. We can also conclude that Scrooges father was abusive when Fan has to convinve him to come back home. This was more acceptable, to beat children for diclspline, but this took a toll on Scrooge. This is a key example of Scrooge being a product of his past. Scrooge also misses his sister Fan a lot and seeing Fred just reminds him of her death which is hard for him, he also internally blames Fred for her death and may be why he is so cold. In that time the chances of the mother of a baby dying was much higher than it is today.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Scrooge and Fred

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