Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Ghost of Christmas Past

The chapter starts off with Scrooge unable to sleep and time was ticking by fast. Then Scrooge remembered what Marley told him and what time the ghost was coming. The ghost appeared and it was the ghost of Christmas past which will show him his past life. Scrooge saw many happy memories and he would weep and cry with excitement of what his past looked like back then. He would name off the many things in the past. The ghost also showed Scrooge some sad moments in his life that might of caused him to be the way he is now. It showed him all alone with no friends that is probably why he grew up with no friends. Scrooge used to be in poverty back then and he is scared to be in poverty now because he knows how much it hurts being poor. I feel bad for Scrooge because he didn't get to experience many nice things in life except for his family and some of his friends like Mr. Fezziwig who gave him a heartwarming experience at Christmas. The last time on Christmas that he truly felt happy was with his friends. Mr. Fezziwig would throw a huge party and Scrooge felt really happy. 

As the Ghost of Christmas Past was showing Scrooge around I think he was beginning to understand why people need his help and how much of a jerk he was. He felt guilty about his nephew Fred because he wouldn't really support him even when he is his only family member left. Scrooges hate began to grow when he got more selfish. I feel bad for Scrooge because of things he had to go through that is why he probably mean and rude right now. Scrooges childhood wasn't the best and he had to go through many hard things. The last time that he felt love was with his family and his few friends like Mr. Fezziwig. Scrooge is starting to see how selfish he is and how much people need him. As Scrooge is observing more things he begins to see the real truth.


  1. Good job with your blog post Dang! I like how Scrooge is starting to realize how selfish he is.You put in good details telling the reader how Scrooge's childhood was,lonely.Also I agree with you that you said that you feel bad for Scrooge,I don't blame him for been selfish because he had a tough childhood.He would always alone,even in Christmas when nobody picked him up,and he was the only one not spending time with his family.Overall you did a good job with the details on why you feel bad and one thing that would be great is if you can add your thoughts about this chapter.

  2. You did a good job summarizing what we have read so far. I also feel bad for Scrooge, especially because his family didn't really want him exept for his sister Fan. I also thing he was beggining to understand hoow bad he was treating everyone in his life and that the rest of the ghosts will really help him. I think that you did a good job over all on your blog post.

  3. I also feel bad for Scrooge because he had to go through a lot of bad things and I agree with you that Scrooge had a bad childhood. I also a agree with you that the last time Scrooge actually celebrated Christmas was when he was with Fezziwig and it seem that he really enjoyed that moment. I also feel bad for scrooge that he did not get that much nice things and did not get to experience them. Nice job with your blog Dang!
