Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Stave Three

   This chapter starts with Scrooge waiting in bed hoping to not get caught off guard by the next ghost and stay calm, but that plan went bad as he even though he tried to prepare for his coming he ended up getting scared. He talks to the ghost before the ghost starts showing him Christmas's happening currently. He shows him how every single person in the town is so jolly even playfully throwing snowballs at each other. He shows him how almost nothing could ruin their Christmas and how much they enjoy themselves. Then he shows him Bob Cracheit who is out getting Tiny Tim as his mother hides and the kids tell him she couldn't come home this Christmas. This caused grief however little in Bob immediately making his wife show herself. They are all talking and having the most fun with the children. Then they get to the meal and starting eating it quickly to the point where Bob's wife goes upstairs to get the pudding. They finish that to, until finally Bob asks them to make a half circle around the hearth. They do this and they start praying for each other and everyone. Bob even prays for Scrooge to which causes a sour taste in his wife's mouth having a few choice comments to make about him. This managed to dampen the mood of an amazing Christmas, for only five minutes however. Scrooge after contemplating the spirits asks why they do evil things to which the spirit is agast and realizes he means those who speak for the spirit's name, and the spirit says they are false to him and will suffer later, but not after scaring Scrooge by the spirits reaction. As they are about to leave Scrooge pleadingly asks the spirit of Tim will live to which he says if nothing changes implying they need money to save him, then he will die. Scrooge begs him to tell him otherwise and tells him why not it would decrease the surplus population using his own words against him really stinging Scrooge. Then they leave with the last shadow being Tim's.
   This chapter is an interesting one especially with the appearance of the Ghost of Christmas Presence. His appearance seems to be almost in direct contrast to the ghost before him. While the ghost before him looked to some extent pretty diferent from him. Where as the Ghost of Christmas Past entered in a much scarier tone and seemed a little condemning to Scrooge's actions which sometimes happens with regret, but the Ghost of Christmas Past is extremely jovial and even all the plants that follow him are especially green and the joyful farm animals to in his first appearance. He seems to be nice to everyone even Scrooge and only shows Scrooge the present and answering his questions, where as the whole point of the other ghost was to cause grief and regret in Scrooge causing though being really helpful in getting him to realize there is a problem. Though another point similar to this is that the Ghost of Christmas Present was so nice and jovial compared to Scrooge that it made him feel a tremendous amount of guilt to where for a while he couldn't look him in the eye. The ghost before's main point was to cause regret a very strong emotion with the hope of changing Scrooge. The ghost now still trying to change Scrooge is doing it in a different way, because now that Scrooge knows there is a problem the ghost is trying to use though I am a little unsure I think he is trying to use condemnation though it will probably be something else and we will just have to continue reading to find out.


  1. I also think that this Chapter is an interesting one because the Ghost of Christmas Present entered in as a friend and the Ghost of Christmas Past entered in a scarier way. These two different ghosts has taught Scrooge two different things and they have almost changed Scrooge. Scrooge needs one more ghost to come for him to fully change. Scrooge is starting to be a nicer person and is starting to care about lives. Good job on summarizing and giving your opinion.

  2. Overall Elianan you did a great job in your blog post. I also think that this chapter is very interesting because the ghost of christmas present entered more as a friend than the ghost of christmas past. Every single different ghost will teach him something different. First was that his obsession to over his love.second that he needs to share his money to other people. Third who know. Overall all you did a good job I would just add a meme of a gif on your next blog post.

  3. I found this chapter very interesting too just because of the spirit, but I also found it sad because of Tiny Tim. Yeah I agree with you that The spirit of Christmas present was sort of a comedian, but I also found him more nicer than the one before just because of his voice. Yeah I agree with you again when he Scrooge can't even look him in the eye just because he cause him grief and regret. Nice Job with your blog Elianan!
