Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Going Back to the Past

   From the beginning of stave two in A Christmas Carol to page 39, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge back his past. The Ghost of Christmas Past took Scrooge back to the moments from his past such as when he was a lonely boy reading, to a moment with him and his sister, to when he was a young man. When Scrooge went back to the moments of his past, a character and personality came out of him that hasn't been seen for years by anyone in town. For once, grumpy and selfish Scrooge seemed excited or maybe even happy. While going back to look at the memories in his past, he remembered every single detail from a location in a moment in his past to the people who used to be in his past. It seems like for once, we finally get to see emotion from Scrooge, and he also finally feels bad for the first time. Scrooge seemed to be upset a little when the Ghost of Christmas Past asked him, "What is the matter?" Scrooge then replied saying, "Nothing, nothing. There was a boy singing a Christmas carol at my door last night. I should like to have given him something, that's all." This sort of behavior is unlikely from Scrooge as we usually see him as the greedy, mean, and frugal person that he is. This is really showing that even though only two ghosts have visited him so far, the Ghost of Christmas Past and Marley's Ghost, Scrooge is starting to show some change within his personality. 
   Some moments in Scrooge's past that the Ghost of Christmas Past took him to was first when Scrooge was alone and reading by himself when the other children were out playing with their friends. The Ghost of Christmas Past described Scrooge in this moment as "a solitary child, neglected by his friends". While visiting this moment, Scrooge got very excited as he recognized many people such as Ali Baba and the parrot. Another unusual act that did not fit Scrooge's usual character was when he felt pity. Scrooge may have not felt pity for someone else, but he felt pity for himself. Just by visiting this one moment in his past, there are already signs that Scrooge may be changing. Another moment that they visited in Scrooge's past was a moment with him and his sister, Fan. In this moment, Fan was coming back to get Scrooge to bring him home. During this moment, they both seemed very happy and embraced their love and care for one another as siblings. Fan was a delicate person who had a large heart. However, she died a woman, and she had one child who is Scrooge's nephew, Fred. While talking about Fan and Fred, Scrooge seemed uneasy and maybe even sad. Thinking back to how he acted at the very beginning of the book to how he acts now, Scrooge seems somewhat already a little different. Going back to his past memories really brought out different types of emotion within him that we would not see with the mean and selfish Scrooge at the beginning of the book. Knowing this, this is a good sign that makes it seem like so far, Scrooge is on a good path of changing his ways so his chain doesn't get heavier. I have a good feeling that Scrooge will change for the better even though we are only at the beginning of the book. What do you think? 
Image result for shocked meme
Scrooge every time he recognizes someone from his past. 

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