Thursday, January 24, 2019

ACC Stave 2

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From where I read Scrooge feel asleep thinking about one o'clock. He went to sleep around two When he woke up he thought a whole day has past. He was so worried that he went outside to check when he did there was no one in sight. Not a single child. He went to bed again and the only thing that was stuck in his had was the ghost of Jacob Marley. He remembered again that three spirits will visit him on a one o'clock The clock kept on changing until it was one of the morning. Then one light flashed up on a room upon the instants. Scrooge asked him if he was the spirit that was going to hunt him,and what spirit is he. The ghost answered and said that he was the ghost of christmas past. As the ghost was talking to him the sanero changed very quickly. The ghost asked him if he remembered the part of his past the ghost was showing him. He said he knew that from his heart they went inside a room where poor Scrooge was sitting and then his sister comes in who is younger than him. She keeps on telling him that he is going to go home once they grew up she died but gave light to Fred.

In my opinion this chapter was one of my favorites because it reminds Scrooge that he has family and that he is not alone. The spirit is also showing him how he was before money came to his life. Just one kid with a christmas spirit even though he did not have friends. I find it very funny that he thought he sleep over a whole day. Because everyone that I know can't do that. Why would scrooge not of made friends in school.


  1. Overall, good job on your summary of the reading. You messed up that Scrooge's sister Fan died due to giving birth. You said that she died giving birth to Tiny Tim, even though it was Frank, that she had gave birth too. that is the thing that had caught my eye when I was reading your blog post. Also I wish I heard more of your personal opinion about Scrooge, and how he acts, and I wish for you to give an opinion, how you think he will change through out the book. Overall good job Angel on this blog post.

  2. Good job on giving a summary of the reading, it is clear that you know what is going on in the stave. I also, really liked this chapter, but I don't think it will be a favorite of mine. It would have been nice to hear more about your opinion in detail. It is hard to tell what you are talking about in times. To add to your opinion, you could tell us why you think he didn't make friends in school. I think he didn't make friends in school, because he thought he was suppose to be alone, he didn't know that he could change just by making some friends. He might of thought that he would get turned down by someone if he wanted to be friends with that person. Not a good job on your opinion, but a good job on the summary part.
