Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Sam Stave 2 of Christmas Carol

In the beginning of the stave, scrooge wakes up in bed, into a new night, and it is 12 o'clock, and he is in disbelief that he slept through an entire day. He waited an hour to see if the ghost would appear just like marley said it would, he then sighed in relief believing that, the ghost is not coming, just as he thought that his curtains were pulled aside, and there stood before him the ghost of christmas past. Scrooge then described him as looking young, and old at the same time because he was, without a wrinkle, his arms were muscular, and his legs were smooth, but he had white hair. The ghost told him that they were going to go, and see his past, they wen't, and the ghost only showed him scrooge's past during christmas. The first memory he showed him was when he was at school, and stayed at school for christmas, because his family neglected him, and didn't want him, so during his childhood he was very lonely, and his only friends were the characters from his books, when he showed him this scrooge felt bad that he didn't help the caroler, because he must of felt the same way as he must of felt, when he was a boy. The next memory the ghost showed, scrooge was when on christmas, his sister fan came to the school to pick him up so that they could go home for christmas, then scrooge talked to the ghost how she died a very young woman. The next memory that the ghost showed scrooge was when he was a young adult and how he was an apprentice to a man named Mr. Fezziwig, and he was super joyful during christmas, and he invited tons of people to christmas, and they were all dancing, and having fun, and how Mr. Fezziwig made a cut which is a very hard dance move especially at his age 40-50.

Image result for christmas carol memes

My thoughts
Now since I know more about scrooge's past I am starting to realize why he is such a mean person, all his life he has been lonely, and been treated bad by his family. I wonder who would leave their son/daughter, alone on christmas I honestly will despise a person that would do this, how bad of a person do you have to be to leave your kid at school in christmas to be all alone. Also I wonder what is different for the other ghosts because, since some things are really hard to do in a play I wonder what else the book did, but the play didn't do. I am still not sure what a cut dance move is because during class Mr. Boyle only said it was a split move, and I would see myself dislocating both of my legs, if I ever tried to do the splits. It is sad that scrooge could not make any friends during his childhood, I have friends, and for me making friends is really easy for me, I wonder why the kids at school would not be his friend.

Image result for foreveralone


  1. Your meme forever alone on Scrooge being alone at Christmas was funny. I like how you went in depth about the villain in Scrooge's life his father being the main antagonist for Scrooge. It was also funny another thing saying you would of dislocating both your legs doing the splits. You also bring up an interesting question which we might learn later, why was it so dificult for Scrooge to make any friends during his childhood.

  2. Nice summary about what we had read. It goes into depth about how Scrooge was lonely and about his old boss, Fezziwig. You also mentioned Fezziwig's cut which I thought was funny at the time. I also, like Elianan, like your Scrooge meme about being lonely. However, I don't get how the other picture ties in with the story. I agree with you when you say you are beginning to see why he acts the way he does. I'm starting to see why being a product of one's past is so important. I also wonder why other kids wouldn't have like him, but we probably won't find out. It may have to do something with him being neglected.

  3. Overall Very good job Sam I enjoyed reading your blog post. It was also very funny to read. I also think that you went in depth and how scrooge is lonely. Also about his old boss and how he had a cut and was able to pull of a tricky dance move. I also agree with Elianan in how you ask great question like how he cant make friends in school. I also enjoyed looking at your memes. Overall you did a very great job.
