Thursday, January 31, 2019


In the beginning of stave three Scrooge is waiting for the next ghost and when the clock hit one the ghost didn't come yet.Later on someone called his name and then told him to enter a room so Scrooge listened to him.The ghost introduced himself as the ghost of christmas present,the ghost was oddly shaped because it had nothing on it's feet.Later on they go to Scrooge's worker Bob, he's  Scrooge's clerk and he very poor and he has a sick son who will die if Scrooge does not change or help him out with giving them money.Bob is coming home to have a christmas dinner with all his family after he gets home he gets pranked.He gets convinced that Martha is not coming when she was really hiding trying to suprise him and so she did with tiny Tims help.

Scrooge then touches the ghost rope and said that he could give it to anyone and they both talked about giving it to the poor because they need it the most.Bob gives a speech to his family and he is been thankful and the Tiny Tim said that God bless everyone.Bob's wife was wearing a dress but,its described as a dirty one like not in a very good shape same with his daughter.Later on Scrooge tells the ghost if Tim will live and the answer to that question is no.Scrooge realises that he has to be a little more nicer and knows that this is his fault because he's the reason why Tiny Tim's family can't afford any medicine for him.Scrooge knows that he has to do something to help out Bob's son or else he will die soon and everyone will be sad or depressed.

In my opinion I like this chapter because Scrooge is starting to care about others because he asked the ghost if Bob's son will be okay and when he found out the answer he wasn't happy.Which means he is starting to care more about others than he cares about himself.Scrooge knows that Tim is going to die and he wants to do something to stop that from happening.I think that Scrooge should give either pay for Tim's medicine or give BOb a raise so he can pay it himself.What do you think that Scrooge should do to help out Tiny Tim?!It's nice that Scrooge is starting to change because that's what his friend wants and that's also what we want because we know that even though he had a tough childhood is starting to change into a new person.

1 comment:

  1. I also think that scrooge is starting to change, and care more about others, and not himself. I think that scrooge should both give Bob a raise, and pay for Tim's medicine because it will help the family a ton so Bob would only have to worry, about feeding his big family. I also think that the reason he is like this was because of his childhood. Also good job on your blog
