Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Scrooge's past

In stave two the ghost form the past come to Scrooge, to change him. He tells Scrooge to come with him, they where going to jump out the window, but Scrooge couldnt fly so he was scared. The ghost said if Scrooge held his hand, then he would be able to fly as well. Scrooge did what was told by the ghost and soon enough they reached Scroog's past. Scrooge was at school as well as his classmates, Scrooge didnt have any friends so he didnt hang out with anyone the only friends he had where the characters in the story. Soon enough it was time to go home, every student and teacher has left to go home, and Scrooge was the only one there, no one but him. Everyone had a place to go, except Scrooge, his dad didnt let Scrooge come back for the holidays. Christmas is a time of joy, where families get together and have fun, they would luagh and be together, Scrooge never got this experence with his family, because it didnt seem like he had a family, it seemed that no one loved him other than his sister Fan. Scrooge was all alone in the classroom reading a book, he didnt have anywhere to go, so his only choice was to stay at school for the holidays. He later on then sees Fan, she was jumoing up and down, she was so happy Fan told Scrooge that his father wants him to come home for christmas, she also says that he has changed and is not mean anymore. Reading about Scrooge's past seems like he had a very sad and lonly childhood, he didnt have anyone to look up to he also seems sad all the time, never once happy in his childhood. He also seemed to be abused by his father, he had a very dificult childhood. When all the children and families are being happy he would be the oppisite, he would be mad, sad, grumpy ect. The reason he would have this emotions is because he doesnt enjoy seeing other people happy and people having fun, when he has nobody and is all alone. He wants people to fell the pain that he had when he was a child. Scrooge would not be like this, if he got all the love from his father when he was a child, it is pretty much his fathers fault for not careing about him and making Scrooge feel this way. Scrooge had misery as a child and seeing other people so happy made him want the people to also have misery, as well as he did. He dislikes christmas because christmas is a time of joy and love, he never got this experence because he was in misery, he was never loved by his father, and for this reason he hates christmas so much.

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a good job showing that you read by talking about your opinion and summarizing the chapter. I agree with you that Scrooge had a very sad and lonely childhood. This was mostly caused by his parent and manly Scrooge's father. In your post you said that Scrooge probably acts the way he does because of his childhood. I agree with this but also think that some of Scrooge's bad behavior comes for himself. For example when Scrooge was a young adult he seemed to be happy but this happiness went away when his greed for money grew so this was his fault. Also Scrooge's nephew Fred seems to have a happy life even though he grew up without a mother. He makes the best of his life.
