Thursday, January 31, 2019

Sam- So far in stave 3

Scrooge woke up, and he was ready to challenge the next spirit that came but when the bell struck one he waited, but it wasn't showing up he waited the whole hour but it didn't come, then the spirit called to him, to enter the room, and scrooge obeyed.  The ghost told him to come in to get to know him better, he then told scrooge that he was the ghost of christmas present, and to look upon him, the ghost was clothed in a simple green robe, and it was hangin so loosely from it that it showed the spirits bare chest, and it had nothing on its feet, and on its head was a simple holly wreath. The ghost asked scrooge if he has ever seen something like him, and scrooge answered with a no. The ghost told scrooge to hold his robe, and scrooge did as he was told. The ghost then showed scrooge the things that people had for christmas for example, mistletoes, turkeys, geese, game. There was music on the streets, there was thin sheets of snow on the roofs, and it was very exciting for the boys to see the snow fall down.

The ghost then showed scrooge his clerk bob cratchit, that earns 15 bobs a weeks, then scrooge saw Bob's wife and she was dressed in a nice, but bad dress, and she was laying down a cloth while her daughter that was also dressed poorly. Then Bob's son peter was putting his fork in the pot of potatoes. Mrs. Cratchit then said what's taking their father, and Martha so long, and that they were late for christmas, Then one of the children said that Marta was here, and then Mrs. Cratchit asked why she was so late. Then Bob came in with tiny tim, and he asked were martha is, and they told him that she is not coming as a joke, but then she came out of the closet. Then tiny tim's brother helped him walk to the fire because of his disability, then they went to go get the goose for dinner, when they came back the whole family helped to get the rest of the food ready. Then Mrs. Cratchit came out with the pudding, and then they all ate. Scrooge asked the spirit if tiny tim will live, and the spirit replies with that he sees an empty seat, and scrooge begs for him the say that he will be spared.

My Thoughts
I wonder how scrooge was planning to take on the ghost when it came, because you can't touch ghost, and when the ghost cam scrooge just obeyed everything that it said which was pretty funny to me because he was planning to take it on. It is sad that Bob Cratchit has a really big family, and he works super hard, and he gets paid so little. I felt bad for tiny tim because he must be discriminated because of his disability. I wonder what the pudding from the book tastes like because it is described in the book really well and sounds delicious. It was also sad when scrooge asks the ghost if tiny tim will live and the ghost says no, imagine the pain that the family will go through if that happens.


  1. Your summary included a lot of details and so I enjoyed reading it. I also liked the way you showed your opinion in this blog. I think that Scrooge might of thought that you could get rid of the ghost like he with the last one. When Scrooge sees the next spirit and realizes that he will not be able to get rid of it like the last one he simply follows him. Aslo from the description of this ghost he seems to look much stronger than the last spirit. I agree with you that Bob and his family's situation is sad. I think that it is sad that Tiny Tim will die because of something out of his control but i don't feel bad for Scrooge because he is a main factor in the death of Tiny Tim.

  2. I agree with you too Sam, I really do not know why he plan to take out the ghost when he can't even touch, but he did try his best to do it and I found it sad and funny in the same time. I can agree with you in this one too sam that Bob has to work very hard just to get paid very little and I wish he could get paid a lot and then he can help Tiny Tim. I felt very sad for when the spirit of Christmas present said that Tiny Tim would not live and you can tell that Scrooge felt very bad. Nice Job with your blog Sam!

  3. Good job with your summary! You had a lot of information telling us what happened when Scrooge was ready to receive the next ghost which was the ghost of christmas present.Also I agree with you that the Bob's family would go threw big pain if Tiny Tim dies.And I also feel bad that Bob is a hard worker and he gets paid a very low amount and still he has to feed a large family.Overall I agree with your opinion and good job with your summary because you put in a lot of hae work.

  4. You had a nice Summary in the post and a very good summary of what the spirit looks like. You also did a good job of explaining Bob Cratchit's house and family dinner. I also think it's sad how much Bob gets paid and feel that Scrooge will change that because he feels Empathy and Regret for not doing so in the first place. I also feel bad for tim because people were ignorant back then and when he was at church too. The pain that family would have to go through is a lot and that's why Scrooge feels bad.
