Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Scrooge's Past Life

Image result for wide awake gif
Scrooge wide awake at night
hearing the bell toll One.
We have now met the second ghost of the book which is the ghost of Christmas past. The chapter starts out with Scrooge lying in bed not being able to sleep after the visit from Marley. And when the bell tolled one, the Ghost of Christmas Past appeared. The ghost brought Scrooge into his past, and seeing his past, Scrooge wept and laughed. One part of his past was quite sad, and may explain why Scrooge acts the way he does. The ghost brought Scrooge back to a time when Scrooge was a little boy. The ghost took Scrooge to a time when he was in a school yard all alone. We see that Scrooge had no friends when he was a young boy and he was very lonely, and maybe this is why Scrooge is so used to having no one around, because he had no friends in his early life. I feel bad for Scrooge because it is obvious that he did not have the best past.

Scrooge had a very sad childhood, and this may effect why he acts the way he does. Scrooge grew up with no friends at school, and was often very lonely, which may explain why he is now lonely in the future and why he is okay with being lonely. The ghost even explains young Scrooge as lonely young child. We later see a part of his past where Scrooge's sister comes in and tells Scrooge he could go back home. From this, we get the idea that Scrooge might not have been home for all of his childhood. This means that Scrooge probably did not see his family as much and spent most of his time alone. We could tell from these two events that as a child, Scrooge was very lonely and sad, and this might influence the reason why he is lonely now in his future and does not care. Scrooge must be used to all the loneliness since he grew up with it. I feel kind of bad for Scrooge because he has had a very sad childhood that may affect why he acts the way he does. We are all a product of our past, and seeing how Scrooge turned out to be, we can assume that his past has affected him for the worse and it may be because of all the loneliness he faced in his childhood.

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you centered most of your blog post around how lonely Scrooge was as a child which affected how he is in the present. He had no friends, was at boarding school all the time, and his father didn't love him. It really was sad how lonely Scrooge was as a child, and the only friends he had were characters from books. It's hard to not feel bad for Scrooge now that we've seen how lonely he was as a little boy. I like how you said that we're all a product of our past, and how his childhood being like this have affected him for the worse. Good job on summarizing the part that we read on Tuesday and adding your own thoughts on it. Also I like your meme.
