Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Ghost of Christmas Present

The stave starts off with Scrooge getting worried because the ghost had not came after the clock struck one. About fifteen minutes later the spirit came and told Scrooge to come in. His room changed to look more jolly and happy. The spirit was giant and had a green robe with long hair. He was also barefooted and his tone of his voice gave off a jolly and happy feeling. Scrooge knew what the ghost came for so he told the spirit to show him what he needed to see. Scrooge held on to the spirits robe and everything changed. Scrooge was shown the environment for the next few pages and finally he met Bob Cratchit and his family. The Cratchits are a big family consisting of about six children. Martha wanted to prank Bob that she wasn't coming home for Christmas but she didn't want Bob to be sd so she did not prank him. Everyone then got ready for Christmas and prepared all of the food. The food wasn't the best quality but the family was really grateful for what they have and they made a toast to Scrooge and thanked him that it was all possible because of him. Scrooge saw Tint Tim and the spirit asked if he is going to live and Scrooge begged the spirit to let Tiny Tim live. The spirit then responded words that made Scrooge feel terrible, he told Scrooge that Tiny Tim better hurry up and die to decrease the surplus population. This made Scrooge feel very guilty and it was his own words that came to bite him back. Bob was grateful of what they had but his wife disagreed saying that Scrooge is a terrible man and he would rather let a whole family starve to death. Scrooge again felt a lot of guilt and understood Bobs pain as well as the family. The spirit the said that the Cratchit family may to be rich but they have each other unlike Scrooge.

I feel bad for the Cratchit family because they get so little while Scrooge is laying back saying that he would rather let someone die so that the population would decrease. The Cratchit family dont have a lot themselves but they have each other. They have happiness and love for each other and Scrooge doesn't have any of those which is more important then wealth. I think that this is a big step and change for Scrooge because it shows him other peoples lives and how he can help to change them. He feels a lot of guilt during these scenes and it is a big and important step for him to change. Seeing the scenes he might spend more time with those in poverty and hopefully he will change to help Tiny Tim who is going to die soon without a doctor, but the Cratchit family cant afford one so it is up to Scrooge to change that problem. The scene Scrooge just experienced will change his view on the poor and help those in need. What got Scrooge the most in the chapter was when the spirit was taunting him with his own words that Tim should die fast so that the surplus population will decrease. I think that Scrooge regret everything he said back then.


  1. Dang, I do agree with your statement that the Cratchits care about their family, and they know, unlike Scrooge, that money doesn't bring happiness. Also, the spirit, like you stated, is trying to change Scrooge in a very interesting way. He is taunting Scrooge with his own words, and he is striking at his personal image more than anything else. The spirit is trying to force him to change by seeing the poors' point of view, which is very helpful in understanding someone.

  2. I agree that it is sad that the cratchit family has very little, and I also think that scrooge could pay Bob very well with all the wealth that he has. I also agree that he is changing with all the things that the ghosts are showing him. I also think that scrooge regrets everything that he has said in chapter one like, to let everyone die for the population to decrease.

  3. You had a very good summary at the beginning. I also feel bad for the Cratchit family because as you said, they have so little while Scrooge has so much and is saying that people should die. It is true that the Cratchit family have each other and even though they are poor they seem very happy. You did a good job including your own opinions and I agree with a lot of your opinions on the Cratchit family and on Scrooge.
