Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Ghost of Christmas Present

The start of this reading beginnings with Scrooge waking up from the church bells. Scrooge waits for the ghost but after 15 minutes the ghost didn't show up. This made Scrooge become nervous. I found this interesting because Scrooge now believes in the spirit and it seems like he wants to change. This situation could be the be like before where Scrooge is scared of what will happen next. Scrooge ends up finding the next ghost in another room. The ghost says that he is the spirit of Christmas Present.
He has red hair and is dressed in a green robe and is surrounded by food. The spirit says that his life span is only a day and he has over 1800 brothers. Scrooge is ordered to grab onto robe and is taken out of the house onto the city streets. It is Christmas day and everyone is very happy. People are shoveling and preparing for their Christmas dinner. The spirit takes Scrooge to Bob Cratchit’s house. When we are told about the dinner it is very similar to the play. Bob has a large family that lives in poverty.
Many of the childrens clothes are hand me downs. Peter the oldest son wears his father's shirt that is to big for him. The family oldest daughter Martha works at a milliner’s. This would be an example of child labor assuming that Martha is still a child. This scene in the book is very important. This is when Scrooge sees Tiny Tim and realizes how his actions have affected other people. Scrooge understands that he still has a chance to change his ways. When Scrooge sees how ill is Tiny Tim and how much his family loves him, he asks the spirit if the boy will live. The spirit then responds by saying that there will be an empty chair and Tim’s crutch will be placed in a corner next year if Scrooge’s actions don’t change. This scene is very empowering to Scrooge because he knows that it will be his fault if Tim dies.


  1. You did a great job summarizing the parts of the book we read. I agree with many of your opinions throughout your blog post. For example, I agree when you say that the scene of the Cratchit house is important and empowering to Scrooge. I like how you summarized the parts of the book and also added your own thoughts while summarizing. Overall you had a very good blog post, and I liked that you pointed out that Scrooge has now started to believe in the Spirits and how it seems that Scrooge is wanting to change. Overall,you had a very good blog post.

  2. Nice summary throughout the blog post! You have how Scrooge had woken up and was greeted by the spirit. You also do a nice job of describing the spirit's appearance. I agree with you when you say how Martha is a very prime example of child labor and how when Scrooge realizes that his actions toward one person, Bob Cratchit, affects other people like Tim. The way you say how the scene was very empowering to Scrooge because he knows that it will be his fault if Tim dies. I couldn't put it better myself. You do very well here in how describing how the spirit uses emotion. Good job here on the blog post.
