Thursday, January 31, 2019

Scrooge's Present

Stave three starts with Scrooge waking up and waiting for the spirit to arive. Scrooge opens all the curtains and waits for the spirit, however he is surprised when nothing hapens when the clock strikes one. There was a strobe of light that hit him. Scrooge got up to see what was happening and went to his door, when he went to the door, he heard his name being called and telling him to enter. Scrooge listened and when he went through the door, he saw his own room, but it was decorated for a christmas party. The ghost takes Scrooge to the Cratchit family christmas dinner. Scrooge sees their son Tiny Tim who is a cripple and the spirit tells him that he will die soon. After they eat dinner, they make a toast and Bob Crachit toasts to Scrooge. Mrs. Cratchit is angered by this and talks badly about Scrooge. 
Image result for a christmas carol memes

I don't completely understand how the spirit showed up and how Scrooge saw it. I am happy that we have met Tiny Tim and can't wait until we see him again. I am also excired to finish the rest of stave three and find out what emotion the spirit will use to make Scrooge change. Even though what Mrs. Cratchit said about Scrooge was slighly true, it was wrong to say that in front of her family and. What are your opinions on what she said about Scrooge?


  1. Good Job with your summary! You could of put a little more details about the chapter and I also can't wait to see what kind of emotion the spirit will use to make Scrooge change.Also I think it was okay of MRs.Cratchit to say the truth about Scrooge in front of the family.Because this will help Scrooge understand the kind of person people think he is and realise that he needs to change as soon as possible.Overall you did okay with your summary I like the question that you asked because it talks more about Scrooge.

  2. Nice summary in the beginning of the post. I am also excited that we met Tiny Tim, he is a great example on the type of attitude everyone should have, he is positive even though he is crippled and may die soon, he still does his part. I think that what she said was also treu, but Scrooge will change after all the spirits come to visit him and change him. I also think she could have said this to Bob privately away from the kids.
