Tuesday, January 29, 2019

A Christmas Dinner

   In stave three of A Christmas Carol to where Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas of Present leaves the Cratchit family's house, Scrooge starts to realize more of how his current life and attitude affects others around him and overall affects his own life/future. When the Ghost of Christmas Present came to visit Scrooge, Scrooge asked the Ghost of Christmas Present to do whatever it needs to to change him since Scrooge has started to change since he went with the Ghost of Christmas Past to the moments in his past which made him feel a lot of regret. This shows that even after one spirit, Scrooge is already seeing the reality, and he wants and is willing to change himself. However, Scrooge will need all three ghosts, the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Future, in order to change completely. With this, the Ghost of Christmas Present takes Scrooge to a moment in the present that will help him change. The main event that the Ghost of Christmas Present takes Scrooge to is the Cratchit Family's Christmas Dinner. Here, Scrooge learns and realizes many things such as how it was awful when he said that people dying would help decrease the surplus population, and he also learned an important lesson that happiness in the end, is better than wealth.
   When the Ghost of Christmas Present and Scrooge went to the Cratchit Family's house, the Cratchit family was preparing for their Christmas dinner. Martha had come home to surprise the family, and Bob had come home with Tiny Tim. That night, they had a goose for their Christmas dinner followed by pudding made by Mrs. Cratchit. Yes, the Cratchit family does not have much and is in poverty, and everything that they own may not be as big or as good of quality than what Scrooge may have. However, one thing that the Cratchit family has that may be worth more than whatever Scrooge may have is happiness. Just by reading the scene where the Cratchit family has their Christmas dinner, it is clear that they all love and cherish one another, and they are overall very happy and joyful to have each other around. The Cratchit family finds the positives in what they have, and even though they may not have much, they have each other, and that is all that really matters at the end of the day. 
   While watching the Cratchit family dinner with the Ghost of Christmas Present, Scrooge asks the Ghost of Christmas Present about Tiny Tim and if he will live. However, the spirit replied saying that if things stay the same as they are right now, then Tiny Tim will die and decrease the surplus population like how Scrooge had wanted earlier. However, after realizing the reality of his wish, Scrooge didn't want Tiny Tim to die. Again, this is out of Scrooge's usual behavior as Scrooge is usually very selfish and does not care about others. However, now we are seeing a different side of Scrooge that cares about others and is now feeling sympathetic. This again, is a good sign that Scrooge may be turning around his life for a better future. In the end, Scrooge starts to care for others, feel a lot of sympathy, and see how his life and attitude may be affecting others. He also leaves the Cratchit family with the lesson that happiness is more important than money or wealth, and the Cratchit family is a great example of that. 
Related image
Scrooge when the spirits take him to events and memories in his life 


  1. I liked how your first paragraph was about how Scrooge is starting to change, but he still needs the other two ghosts to fully change and learn his lesson, your second paragraph was about the Cratchit family, and how your third paragraph was about how Scrooge before wanting the population to decrease is coming back to bite him. The Cratchit family has very little, but they have each other, and at the end of the day, it really is all the matters because they love each other and they're happy. Scrooge not wanting Tiny Tim to die actually is out of his usual behavior, because usually he's really selfish, frugal, and doesn't care about others. Him saying that poor should hurry up and decrease the surplus population is really coming back to bite him now, and he's starting to see how his life is affecting others, mostly negatively. The Cratchit family really is a great example of how happiness is more important than wealth. Nice job overall on your blog post, and I really liked how you talked about the Cratchit family's happiness and how Scrooge is starting to change, after seeing Tiny Tim. Also I like your meme.

  2. I really liked how you explained this chapter piece by piece, for example talking about the ghost, then the dinner, then how Scrooge feels about Tiny Tim and what he had said before. I also agree with you, although the Cratchit Family are in poverty they still try to stay positive for their children and overall their entire family. Including on how you said that they have eachother and thats the most important thing. Overall, I really liked your meme as well and your blog posts are always so detailed. Great Job Eva (:
